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The Vinalhaven Sightings Report is organized and edited by Kirk Gentalen on behalf of Vinalhaven Land Trust and Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Out and about on Vinalhaven, MCHT steward Kirk Gentalen reports on what he and others have seen in their travels. Contributions of stories and photos are welcome, and can be sent to


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

does anybody remember fog?

Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings report

September 1, 2021

Thanks to MCHT and VLT and You!


Rabbit, Rabbitt.



Highlights – trips to seal, mushroom craziness, yellow-crowned night heron, gooseneck barnacles, shorebirds, other stuff


Business – slightly delayed due to technical difficulties that were fixed by the 'computer god' herself, who shall go nameless (but knows who she is and gets a big, huge thanks!). anyway, this was 'finished' a few days back or more, and so if you sent in something more recently, even if it has something to do with a sighting in this post, it (the thing you sent in) will be front and center in the next 

bird walk - photo by Patience Chamberlin

Big thanks to those who have shared some mid-summer nature highlights, photos and sightings, and to those that have attempted sharing but maybe technology or sleepiness got the best of you.….. Sharing is the soul/sole purpose of this blog, and the VSR is at its best when multiple voices are heard/views are seen/and experiences are shared. So thanks!


ghost pipe, all pollinated up

And so …. Contact us – hey – we aren’t begging but we also are ‘ain’t too proud to’ – what makes you comfortable enough to send in sightings/photos/stories works for me. is the official VSR email address. Don’t settle for cheap imposters! Send to the original, the OC of vinalhaven nature sharing, the VSR…..


– how iconic is this? Linnell Mather sent in this photo of  one of the majestic, one of the noble, one of the regal male Red-necked Pheasants recently re-added to the island’s ‘actively found’ animal list.


State bird of South Dakota (need we say more?), Red-necked Pheasants currently fall into the ‘why are they here?’ file. And the answer is – to shoot. And it can’t happen fast enough for this observer!

gull and eel
photo by Rick Morgan


Rick Morgan was kind enough to send in a series of photos of a Herring Gull eating locally and getting a mouth full (and throatful/gizzard full} of eel. Great moment to capture, thanks for sharing!


Yellow crowned Night Heron
photo by Rick Morgan

Yellow-crowned Night Heron – This adult Yellow-crowned Night Heron was first spotted by Pete Jacques by the Lane’s Island Bridge. Photographed by Rick Morgan, Yellow-crowned Night Herons are not a common sight, but becoming more frequent (more frequenter?) – Great find, great photo!


barnacles and dog nose
photo by Banner Moffat

Banner Moffatt sent in these photos of what appears to be gooseneck barnacles on Rockweed.

Gooseneck barnacles are more of a pelagic species, not often found in the intertidal and along shorelines, rather seen on flotsam and other such fouling opportunities further ‘off shore’ (‘more off-shore-er’?).

 Cool find and thanks for share Banner!

great greater shearwater photo!
photo by Patience Chamberlin

Seal Island Trips – Patience Chamberlin sent in this photo of a Greater Shearwater checking out what is up with the Skua on a recent boat trip with John Drury to Seal Island, part of the Maine Islands National Wildlife Refuge.


Here’s the list Patience sent in - Aug 8.  A mola mola, plenty of puffins in the water, a bunch of Gannets, and G Shearwaters.  One paddled up to the boat and went after John’s hand.


northern gannet from the ferry
Elizabeth Andrews sent in a list of sightings from a ‘more recent-er’ trip with John on the skua – impressive what there is to be seen out there! Seal Island (8/19) on ‘the Skua’ here’s her report - Tons of both seals, 2 Minke whales, great and double crested cormorants, a leucistic great cormorant, Wilson’s petrels, puffins, razorbills, guillemots, gannets, peregrine falcon, bald Eagle, red-necked phalaropes, harlequin ducks, semi-palpated plovers, ruddy turnstones, sandpipers, eider ducks, porpoises several times, seagulls galore, a deer swimming the harbor to Lane’s Island!


shag won this race

What a list! Elizabeth promises photos of the leucistic great cormorant, she’s never lied to me before! We’ll post once we receive.

 State Beach - Patience Chamberlin also sent in this rich list from a recent visit to State Beach. Shorebirds galore! 8/20, plenty of birds.  @25 Least SP, 12 Semip plovers, 2 White-rumped SP, (woohoo, haven't seen those in a while), Several SemiP Sp’s.  3 Osprey, 3 Black-bellied Plovers out on the rock.


spindle-shaped yellow coral
photo by Cay Kendrick

Cay Kendrick sent in these mushroom shots

Spindle-shaped yellow coral is a beauty.


Painted Boletes aren't so bad themselves.

Painted Boletes
photo by Cay Kendrick

Mushrooms – the summer of shrooms continues – looks like it’ll be a photo gallery mixed in with a recent nature bummin’ column I wrote about Teeth Mushrooms.  Enjoy!


Long in the Tooth

red-juice tooth, bleeding tooth


Yeah, so it rained. And then it got foggy, and then it rained more, and then it got sunny, and then it rained more….. . That is my non-meteorologist weather assessment for the summer. Some of the rains have been significant, and that has significantly influenced/impacted the scene and the energy in the woods. And as I mentioned in the previous Nature Bummin’ column, the mushrooms in Mid-coast Maine responded accordingly to these weather patterns making this a mushroom summer to remember!


juice or blood, your call

When we (the royal ‘we’) find mushrooms on our travels, our minds often go directly to whether it’s edible or poisonous. (So human-centric we are.) Lately I’ve been hearing comments about the colors that mushrooms have been adding to the largely green forest world. The reds of Waxy Caps, the oranges of Chanterelles and Jellies, the blues of Corts, and the ‘everything else’ that’s out there, mushrooms can fill in the gaps of what’s missing from the forested spectrum.


hedgehog, dorsal view

What (I suspect) most people don’t think about is spores, (and if you do think about this I hope it’s not because of allergies or anything). Bottom line - a mushroom’s job is to disperse spores. It’s not there to feed us, kill us, or thrill us. It’s there to disperse spores, as a spore dispersal unit, and mushrooms are really good at it. Spores are reproductive units that could be compared to eggs in animals or seeds in plants, but are often simpler and single celled. Light weight and usually wind driven, spores are carried in hopes of finding the right spot to grow a new fungus. Chances are slim in finding that perfect spot, so releasing a lot of spores increases your changes. Add in the fact that there are many critters and slime molds that ‘feast’ on fungal spores and it pays to release even more spores in hopes of replacing the mother fungus (fungus have no gender).  What that means is, in reality, that whenever you walk outside, be it in the woods or to catch the bus or whatever, you have spores landing on you. At all times you are spore carriers! (Maybe not so much in winter, but you get what I mean). Part of the overall fungus team! Do you feel important yet?


hedgehog spikes

There are many strategies for spore dispersal in the fungal world. Puffballs disperse by pressure (you know the smoke bombs), cup mushrooms disperse by forcibly ejecting spores into the wind (so forced you can hear them), and stink horns attract flies to a ‘horrible stench’ where the curious insect is then layered in gooey spores wherever it may touches the mushroom. Many mushrooms have gills where spores are produced (store bought buttons for instance) and some gravity release spores via pores – Boletes and Polypores. Another such strategy that often goes overlooked (or underappreciated) is spore dispersal via ‘teeth’.


lots of dye makers as of late

While there are a handful of polypores and at least one Jelly mushroom that use ‘teeth’ to aid in spore dispersal, finding  elongated points ‘hanging’(?) down on the underside of a mushroom cap most likely makes your mushroom a member of the family Hydnaceae (Teeth fungi). And ‘toothed’ mushrooms are partaking in the ‘summer of mushrooms 2021’, popping up in big numbers, or at least larger numbers than I have seen in my limited 17 years of watching mushrooms in the mid-coast region. Long in the tooth indeed.


Black Trumpets on Starboard Rock
first i have heard of on Vinalhaven
Thanks to Kerry Hardy for the hot tip!

For those fungal fans who immediately look to mushrooms as potential food, Sweet Tooth or Hedgehog mushroom (Hydnum repandum) is the Hydnaceae mushroom for you! ‘Edible and choice!’ says David Arora in Mushrooms Demystified. I’ve come across patches on the Huber Preserve on Vinalhaven lately and Hedgehogs never cease to impress with dramatic difference between dorsal and ventral views. Unassuming and somewhat funkified on top, Hedgehogs aren’t necessarily the most inviting mushroom to take a closer look at.   The cap is often tweaked and misshapen, giving an observer the impression that the mushroom grew under branches or roots or was attacked by slugs. A closer look at the mushroom’s undercarriage reveals a coral landscape world of spines. Take a look at the photo – what a world of stalactites (or stalagmites depending on how you look at it) – which are not present for our visual enjoyment, but rather to increase the spore producing surface area for optimal spore production and release. Man ain’t that pretty (judgment).


fading scarlet waxy caps with
olive earth tongue and slug scat

Where sweet tooth is what I would call a ‘mushroom that looks like a mushroom’, many of the Hydnaceae that have popped up this summer look similar to stalked polypores rather than traditional mushrooms. One species that stands out is Bleeding Tooth or Strawberries & Cream (Hydnellum peckii), with its ‘bright red droplets that cling to the surface of the cap in moist weather’ making ‘this a striking and easily-identified mushroom’ (once again David Arora, Mushrooms Demystified). There is nothing like finding a Bleeding Tooth as you walk a trail, but this August Bleeding Tooth seemed especially ever-present (and prevalent) along Vinalhaven trails!


zonate tooth teeth
Full disclosure and in an effort to be completely honest (how refreshing is that), before this year I probably crossed paths with maybe a dozen Strawberries & Cream mushrooms, but this summer has doubled that at least. Their beads of red juice shine like jewels and rubies, but are way too delicate to touch. I could take photos, but couldn’t find it in me to pick any to inspect the teeth structures below. If I am not picking for personal/family consumption, I am leaving for others to see, and Bleeding Tooth is a different mushroom altogether without the beautiful (judgment) beads of red, so I refrain from touching if I can help it. Does that make me human? Makes me me I think.


great summer for my fav
Tawny Grissette

In summary, a mushroom’s job is to disperse spores, pure and simple.  Whatever humans experience from their fungal encounter – be it tasty food, aesthetics, or spiritual gains – is a bi-catch compared to a mushroom’s main goal. And that includes an appreciation of the form and function of Teeth Mushrooms, and respect for the colored water beads that bedazzle a rather plain looking (judgment, and a bad one at that) mushroom into something untouchable. These are important bi-catches, ones that may bring an observer a little closer towards connectedness and/or at least increase of appreciation/awareness. And there is nothing wrong with a little more connectedness, appreciation, and awareness. So thanks Hydnaceae for a good summer, looking forward to what you have to pop up next! 


not a shroom, but i think 
i really like seaside golden rod

And there you have it. What a month!


Also – we went down east for a quick visit to the bold coast. It was fun. Here are some photos….

quoddy head light

and we'll see you out there! looking forward to it!