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The Vinalhaven Sightings Report is organized and edited by Kirk Gentalen on behalf of Vinalhaven Land Trust and Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Out and about on Vinalhaven, MCHT steward Kirk Gentalen reports on what he and others have seen in their travels. Contributions of stories and photos are welcome, and can be sent to


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – March 29, 2020

Brought to you with the support of VLT and MCHT – Thanks to both organizations!

tinder conk undercarriage

This is the ‘lil’ bit o’ everything’ edition…Must be spring!


Highlights – Crossbills, peepers, snakes, butterfly, mushrooms, tracking, spraint, and a few mysteries. A little bit of everything. Or at least most things…


Contact us – with all the observable nature stuff going on around Vinalhaven it sure feels good to have a safe place where you can unload and share your sightings with other humans. Send your photos, sightings and whatnots to . The place to be really, and to share.


discards from a squirrel feeding frenzy

PSA – Hey – What an odd couple of weeks, huh? As an earthling, and more specifically human earthling, you are surely aware and concerned about the global Coronavirus situation. While some of us have been practicing “social distancing” for decades, there are many behavior adjustments one can make to decrease the chances of being exposed to or exposing others to potential sickness. This is no time to be selfish, as if there ever was a good time to be that way, but we need to think of and be considerate of others. Heck, I’m even washing my hands and I don’t think I’ve done that since high school.


feather, barbs, barbules
Getting outside is fortunately not off limits, and instead is being actively encouraged. Many folks are taking advantage of the nice weather we’ve been having and hitting the trails both on island and on the mainland. Be aware that certain points on preserves - picnic tables, benches, kiosks – are points of contact for hikers. And while it’s highly unlikely anything would come of touching these objects, washing hands after hiking – that sounds so funny – is a good idea. With this in mind the MCHT registration and map boxes at Huber and the Basin Preserves are shut for the foreseeable future. My apologizes to the three people who sign in!


See you out there. From 6 feet away of course!


Symbolology(s) = singing


Sightingslil’ bit o’ everything

Hairy woodpeckers are out of control, on island and on the mainland. Drumming, chasing, calling. Very active these days. This is your warning.

seal bay

Lane’s Island3/26 – an evening session on Lane’s turned up 2 male American Woodcocks performing aerial displays, both easily heard from the picnic table closest to the Lane’s Island graveyard. Lots of spring peepers (peepin’), and American Goldfinch (s) and song sparrow (s).


Story here – the woodcocks were no surprise and yet they continue to entertain at the highest level on Lane’s. So much fun to see their silhouettes in flight. The mass of peepers peeping hit the spot as well.

wood/tree ear with springtail scat-
little white dots

Huber – (3/26) Golden-crowned Kinglets (s), Red Crossbill (s), Dark-eyed Juncos (s), Winter wren (s), Brown Creeper (s), Bufflehead, Old-tail Ducks, Garter Snake

Story here – Garter snake, 1st winter wren I have heard this year.

tinder conk with old springtail scats on it
little black dots

Carrying place – (3/26) – Red Crossbills (s), Seal Vertebrae, Black Hairy Cup?


seal vertebra
Story here – the seal vertebrae was cool to find, and the Black Hairy Cups (Pseudoplectania nigrella) are a true harbinger of spring. Often the first ‘non jelly’ mushroom I see each year, they add some nice blackness to otherwise uniform patch of moss. I mean – who likes green? I hear it aint easy being green…

black hairy cup
seal vertebra

Basin/Wharf Quarry/Williams – (3/27) – Dark-eyed Junco (s), Song Sparrow (s), Purple Finch (s), Red Crossbill (s), White-winged Crossbill (s), Brown Creeper (s), Red-breasted Nuthatch (s), Hairy Woodpecker, 2 Bald Eagles, Gulls Wormin’, Otter latrine, Mink tracks, Mourning Cloak butterfly, skunk cabbage.

fun tracking a mink in the snow
from Tuesday!

Stories here – so many stories hereboth crossbills being heard and seen was a bonus. Crossbills are a constant around island and have been for months. The majority of individuals I catch views are often of the ‘Red’ flavor/variety. This may be a behavior differential between the species, as from my limited observation data the white-winged are more likely to fly over and around, chatting it up and making a racket. The Red crossbills seem to call while they are perched, are less chatty, almost subtle. This is not a scientific fact by any means.

this was a mistake photo

Seeing a Mourning Cloak butterfly was a real treat in March. They overwinter as adults, and when the timing is right they emerge from tree cavities and from under bark, adding a little adult butterfly action in the earliest stages of spring.


Otter spraint – A visit to the first latrine I ever knowing saw always brings a tear to my eye.  Man, I was no naïve about Mustelids back then. There is never a lack of spraint there (13 years running!’, but it’s not every day that you find spraint so fresh it’s tubular in shape and form. No rain or snow had hit this particular spraint so it was tubular and beautiful. In its own way.  

rather reptiley scale arrangement
wouldn't you say

A closer look revealed what I would refer to as a ‘non-typical’ scale/skin pattern’ mixed in with the ‘regular’ fish scales and bones. Looked more reptilian, even like a molted snake skin one might find in the woods or the front lawn. Big Al and I were ready to go with snake on this, especially since I had seen the garter snake at Huber the day before…

cone on the cob. gleaned and cleaned

…Then we got thinking – how often do otters come across snakes on Vinalhaven? There are no Northern Water Snakes on island – unless recently brought out by the rod and gun club. So the otter probably didn’t come across this snake – if it was a snake – in the water where otters spent most of their hunting time. Otters crossing paths with a snake on land would be most likely at a latrine or when using a ‘cross island path’ to get between feeding areas. Both are valid possibilities.
Though, it would be a combination of ‘bad timing’ and a ‘bad luck snake’ to be caught (and eaten) where otters ‘do their spraintly business’. Likewise, to be caught while an otter was running full speed across island would also require some incredible bad luck. Otters are more than capable of being active during the day, but the fact that otters are mostly active at night makes the crossing of paths with a snake even less likely during these colder nights. I am wondering if the snake was looking for shelter and slid into an otter den. Easy meal. And incredibly bad luck for the snake.


That is, if it was from a snake at all. What about turtle leg/neck skin? Possibly. As mentioned in previous posts, otters will prey on snapping turtles they find under the ice in winter. Possibly an unlucky turtle? Still leaning towards snake skin, but who knows. I bet the otter had already forgotten. We will keep at it, any ideas?


Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) mystery – man, no plant brings back childhood memories like skunk cabbage does. Every spring it’s a pleasure to see the maroonish, hoodlike ‘spaths’ rising in wetlands. Inside the spath is a knoblike, flowering structure called a ‘spadix’, which is pollinated by insects attracted to carrion and meat. It is thought that the meat-like look of the spath combined with the smell of the plant attracts these pollinators. Anyway.


shredded cabbage. slaw
Apparently more than just pollinators are attracted to the spath/spadix presence! While many of the fresh, young skunk cabbage plants I observed in the basin were intact, several had been ripped open, with spath parts tossed aside and young spadixes eaten either partially or completely. There was no sign of disturbed ground or scat left behind by the muncher. Deer or raven/crow? Those are the usual suspects. Maybe somebody else? The perfect crime….it’s nice to see wildlife tapping into the cabbage and its baggage.

would a deer tare and then toss
partially eaten spadix
Here are some other photos.....
barbs and barbules

Limited Edition. Probably my favorite one – Peeps cereal. Just in time for Easter! YES!



'Marshmallow flavored’. Is that even a flavor?  

'With marshmallows’.  would they dare make a 'marshmallow' flavored cereal and not have marshmallows in it?   

Artificially flavored’ – how could something marshmallow flavored not be artificially flavored.  unnecessary to mention
the dog would follow him anywhere
Leif and the dog.
sometimes he doesn't know what to make of Leif
Frankie has been a nice, timely addition to the scene here.
but it always ends up in hugs
some fishing. he likes casting....
and a little mock cry for making the socially responsible decision to take a break from the radio show for a bit. no way to be 6 ft from grampy Keith, and he has first dibbs in the studio!
take care and take it easy!