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The Vinalhaven Sightings Report is organized and edited by Kirk Gentalen on behalf of Vinalhaven Land Trust and Maine Coast Heritage Trust. Out and about on Vinalhaven, MCHT steward Kirk Gentalen reports on what he and others have seen in their travels. Contributions of stories and photos are welcome, and can be sent to


Monday, May 11, 2020

Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – May 10, 2020

Brought to you with the support of VLT and MCHT – Thanks to both organizations!


Highlights – Razorbills, Great Cormorants, Woodpeckers, Warblers, new otter latrine!!!!, fiddleheads, skunk cabbage, other stuff!!!

sori for sore eyes?

Contact us – with all the observable nature stuff going on around Vinalhaven it feels good to have a safe place where you can unload and share your sightings with other humans. Send your photos, sightings and whatnots to . The place to ‘be’ really, and to share.

some skunk cabbage look like this

PSA – Hey – What a couple of months, huh? While many of us have been practicing “social distancing” for decades, there are many behavior adjustments one can make to decrease the chances of being exposed to or exposing others. The town has been posting daily Covid-19 updates and information on the town’s website – Check it out!


and some looks like this


For exercise of the mind and body, many folks are hitting the trails both on island and on the mainland. At the same time, social distancing practices are encouraged/requested when crossing paths with others on the trails. It’s highly unlikely anything would come of hiking on the preserves, washing hands after a hike – that sounds so funny – is a good idea. Always a good idea?

saw-whet owl pellet

As for my MCHT work on island - I will continue replacing bridging on the Basin Platform Trails and at Huber this spring. These were scheduled projects for the safety of trail users. I will also be on Lane’s at times over the next few weeks. I stay with my truck for entire ferry crossing, then head directly to the trailheads and into the woods. I bring my own supplies and have been interacting with no one other than a wave on the road or a hello in a parking lot. I am also prepared in case I cross paths with hikers on the trail. To increase the length of work days, starting this week I will be staying overnight, one night a week at an isolated location. I am disciplined with social distancing – I am not going to be “that guy” - and plan on continuing the social distancing practices I started following after graduating high school. I’ve been training for this exact event for years.

turkey vulture
photo by Jim Conlan

Sightings : Turkey Vulture – “Road kill are a resource that must be protected”. We’ve all heard that rallying call before. In a way, road kill is a form of bird feeder, more similar to that gross stuff ‘suet’, rather than thistle and sunflower seed stations. Like a feeder, road kill brings in observable wildlife to a convenient location. But instead viewing from your house window, road kill is often seen through a windshield of a vehicle. Unless you are lucky enough to have a road kill land in view of your house! Now that is lucky!


Anyway – Jim Conlan was kind enough to send in this photo of a Turkey Vulture that had been tapping into the “roadside cuisine” on North Haven road. Cleaning up the streets of Vinalhaven! We salute you Turkey Vulture. And thanks to Jim for sharing!


great blue heron
photo by Patience Trainor

Ball ground blues - … as in Great Blues! Sightings around island are increasing as we move deeper into spring and the ball ground is one of many wetlands, coves and shorelines where GBHs may be present at this time of the year. Patience Trainor sent in this recent photo of a Great Blue in the ball ground.



osprey are back
photo by Cay Kendrick

Local Osprey are back, so grab your binos, head to your favorite nest and observe. Here are a few photos Cay Kendrick shared of a Lane’s Island Osprey nest she “keeps an eye on”. Thanks for sharing Cay!



red squirrel midden

John Drury – award winning social distancer – sends in reports of sightings from….


Greens Island– (5/7) Black throated green Warbler, Parula, Ww crossbills, lesser yellowlegs, Merlin, Kestrel,

new latrine

In town - Pileated woodpecker on east main.


On the water …. Little Roberts - Harlequin Ducks . 0 Great Cormorant Nests observed



Seal Island - Great cormorant lugging in nest material - total about 35 nests. A pair of adult Bald eagles, loads of displaying and pair flying Razorbills.  Many seen just south of Otter Island


Thanks for the reports John!

yellow rumped

Basin (4/29-4/30)Hermit Thrush, Palm Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown creeper, WW Crossbills, Hairy Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Northern Flicker….


Had a fun session with the Yellow-rumpeds and Palmer warblers. Here’s a series of shots of one of the Palm Warblers downing a may fly and then wiping his bill off….

palm warbler

Basin (5/5-5/6) – Black throated Green & Yellow-rumped Warblers, Northern Parula, Winter Wren, Dark-eyed Junco, Brown creeper,  Pileated Woodpecker,


palmer with may fly

The story here was with the Crossbills. As reported (ad nauseum) in the last bunch of VSR posts, both flavors of Crossbills (Red and White-winged) were staples on every island forest foray all winter. No preserve visit was without a Crossbill sighting to be made (does that make sense?). All you had to do was listen. Well, the trend has continued into spring.


Both species of Crossbill make numerous calls and sing a slightly variable song. Been listening to them for over 20 years now – including time with Reds in California (typical!) and White-wingeds in Alaska. Some calls I feel confident identifying to species, and the songs are pretty distinct. In an effort to be honest though - there are times when simply calling them “crossbills” is as far as I can go without a visual. This is often when both species are in good numbers. This winter both species had been in good numbers.


down the hatch
The chatter heard May 5/6 was not a typical call note or song, or at least it was different than what we had been hearing all winter. And not a sound I was familiar enough with to narrow its creator to species. It was “crossbill chatter of the third kind”. Anyway.


cleaning up afterword
The Crossbill chatter was pretty consistent last week, but I didn’t have time to chase them down for a view. Sometimes the views come to you. On this day the views seemed to be three trees back or in a buzzy overhead flight only to land 3 trees out of view. More of a commitment than I could make at the time. Excuses!


Anyway, the chatter kinda reminded me of 6 or 7 years ago when Red Crossbills nested seemingly in every conifer on island. The chatter those birds made when the youngsters fledged was notable for its loudness and consistency, as when as for its timing – late April/early May.


I mentioned this to John Drury, who headed out and took the time to get good looks at the chatter boxes (chatter finches?). On Granite Island John observed groups of White-winged Crossbills with recently fledged young birds begging from adults! The next generation is here! Thanks for tracking down the truth John!  And so the third kind turned out to be made by juvenile crossbills. Well….


adult male red crossbill
This just in – so I’ve also been hearing “crossbill chatter of the third kind” on the mainland – on recent bike rides and from my yard. Well, this morning (5/11) a group of 11 Red Crossbills turned up while I was sipping coffee at my new favorite outside table.  Several of the group were streaked individuals who most likely fledged in the last 10 days or so.

juvenile red crossbill

If we go with a May 1st fledging, then go back three weeks to hatching, and another 2-2.5 weeks for incubation. Mid-March or so for egg laying. These crossbills have been busy since about when things started slowing down, and social distancing kicked in for Maine. There you go.

juvenile red crossbill

And so both species are around with young, listen for the chatter and check the tops of trees. They are easily to see when they are loud, and they may not be this loud again until next year!


Do we have more? Yes we do, but we don’t have room here and need to get this thing-a-posted. So here we conclude this post. Look for a vernal pool update soon. End of the week maybe? That would be cool…..


See you out there!