Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – October 18th 2019
Brought to you with pleasure by MCHT and VLT
Alaska Blip - #2 – family in Haines
PSA – You
should be wearing orange when out in the woods these days – it
is deer hunting time in Maine. Currently we are in archery season and while
there are certainly less of these hunting types, youth
day is approaching quickly (October 26), with fire arm season (Nov 2-30) and muzzleloader/expanded archery extending the season until mid-December (Dec 14). Exciting times in the
woods, for sure. Good idea to get in the habit of orange hats, jacket, vest,
gloves, etc. just to announce your presence a little more. Especially when close to deer habitat which is
pretty much the entire island.
There is no hunting statewide on Sundays and never hunting on the Lane’s
Island Preserve.
And so…..its
been a while, the entire staff at the VSR was gone, outta state, outta mind for
a stretch. To make a long story short, the VSR was placed on the royal
“backburner” maybe a dozen times over the last two months. Things collected –
piled up really, some good stuff too. We have now come to the conclusion that
we won’t have enough time in one “fell swoop”, so instead we will be making “little swoops” – kind of blips and bleeps, “shorties” for
those Aqua Teen Hunger Force fans – and so here they come.
Thanks of course to all those who
have shared and continue to share sightings – natural and beyond – because
sharing is what the VSR is all about. Send your photos, stories and emails to vinalhavensightings@gmail.com – its what the cool kids are doing!
New stuff – This is the companion
post to the Alaska blip #1. These are Haines pictures with people in the them!

lots of pictures of people laying down!