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Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings
Report – July 15th, 2018
Brought to you, in part, thru the
kindness and support of MCHT and VLT and You!
Highlights : Mushrooms including
Hideous Gomphideous, Boletes and more; Slime Molds, Red Crossbill, King Eider,
Harlequin Duck, Trip to Calderwood
PSA - For those of you who wish that
the VSR was just the photos without the babbling commentary this is the VSR for
you! At this point, the VSR staff is simply too far behind and we don’t really
like to live/think in the past – the future is like less than a second away. So
we are throwing in the towel and doing a mass dump of photos. There was a little
written almost two weeks ago, and that is what immediately follows this PSA. We’ll
let you know when the old stuff is done. Here we go.
Sightings – On the water, with John
Drury on the Skua – recent sightings include : Red-billed Tropicbird, Harlequin
Ducks (regularly seen on trips this summer) and just this last week a King
Eider! What a trifecta that would be!
Over-summering (at least up to this point) Harlequin Ducks is a cool happening
– hope they stick around for folks to see! The potential for these sightings
plus the “regular” observables – Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill, Arctic and Common Terns, etc. –
make Seal island the place to visit this summer! Contact John through his blog
– sightingsfromskua.blogspot.com .
official MCHT Vinalhaven bike. |
Calderwood Island – (6/30-7/1) –
Swainson’s Thrush,
Calderwood is the most reliable place
that I visit yearly to see American Copper butterflies – the cover butterfly
from the old “Butterflies thru Binoculars” field guides and my personal
favorite “fly of butter” from way back when started getting into Lepids. In
other words, I see them every year there when working on the trails and this
year was no different!
Calderwood island grandma oak |
weird angle on American Copper |
decent American Copper photo - they are too aware! |
rockland ferry terminal, sunrise |
…..ok…we are going to take a slight
detour from the way the VSR normally works and that is because we (the royal
“We”) have gotten so far behind with the sightings – in only a matter of a few
weeks – and we are overloaded with photos that separating them by date and
location, with a story or two is not possible. (Well, at least not happening by
this bald dude). So we’ll give the Insects,
birds, mushrooms, slime molds, views, Leif, etc. the minimal space they deserve,
leaving comments and discussion to the captions…let’s see what this looks like
same sun, setting from Calderwood island |
same sun, not setting or rising - glaring |
eastern forktail |
So let’s start with insects…. With the
Odonanta - Some of our favorite damselflies are around….
Eastern forktail (Ischumra
verticalis) – male
eastern forktail immature female |
And immature female in the orange ensemble
Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile)
male in blue,
Female in not blue
ebony jewelwing |
And our all time favorite – the Ebony
male bluish - green body, solid black wings
And female with the white stigmas
green darner |
dragonflies round out the odonatan
Green Darners (Anax junius) mating at Armbrust Hill was a
highlight to photograph. Porndonata
connected while laying eggs |
this will always be "Johnny Whiteface" to me |
The classic “Johnny Whiteface”, now
commonly recognized as Dot-tailed Whiteface (Leucorrhinia intacta)
Crimson –ringed Whiteface
(Leucorrhinia glacialis) –
phantom crane fly |
while talking insects let's not forget our favorite
Diptera (flies), the Phantom Crane Fly (Bittacomorpha clavipes).
For more on Phantom Crane Flies check
out the nature bummin’ with Kirk Gentalen column “ditch full of distractions” in
the Dragon – St George community journal online –
long dash |
other insects we trust.....Lepidopteras (or "lepids" in you are cool in an entomology kind of way). some of our favorite butterflies are the tiny ones...the skippers...
here are a couple of Long dash (Polites mystic)
Peck's Skipper |
and Peck's Skippers (Polites peckius) -
iris with spider with meal |
broom rape - parasitic plant |
sheep laurel, lamb's kill, in bloom |
twin flower rock |
jack in the pulpit |
...to fuzzy fruit pretty quickly |
staghorn sumac goes from flower..... |
seal smooch
photo by Rick Morgan |
and a few mammals...
seal with sea weed plant thing |
orange bolete |
and fungus.....just a taste of whats been out there
bi color bolete |
hideous gomphideous |
dye makers polypore |
tawny grissette |
fading scarlet waxycaps |
blusher amanita with gills on top
of cap |
the gypsy |
blusher amanita stunted by amanita mold |
chrome footed bolete |
the king! past prime |
red-mouthed bolete |
yellow patches |
gemmed amanita |
coral slime |
and slime molds....
coral slime |
scrambled egg slime |
chocolate tube slime |
wolfs milk slime |
and limited edition foods.....
skipping rocks |
shooting pool |
and leif......
goodness! that was huge! hope you all enjoyed and we'll see you out there!
and a few more view type things.....