Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report-
July 30th, 2017
Sponsored by the kind people at VLT and MCHT
Highlights – goose neck barnacle video, Sand Dollars,
mushrooms, wilson’s storm petrels, flowers, shorebirds, swainsons thrush,
moths, otter sign, fog, and the ultimate question – what has happened to island

Tiit trick –
click on any photo and make them jumbo sized! It’s fun! miss ya dad!
Crazy – check out this article in the st George dragon - http://stgeorgedragon.com/blog/
There you have it….
Sightings – we’ll start with what some might say was the “sighting of a lifetime in the tidepools”. This is an incredible video of two young gooseneck barnacles that washed into the intertidal area at Lane’s Island when the “floaties” of the rock weed they were attached to broke off from the rest of its plant. I have never come close to finding something like this is in the tidepools around Vinalhaven. These “dudes” were found by a 14 year old girl (young woman? not sure what’s cool to call anyone), named Norah and the video was taken by her dad, Rob Ryan. Very cool and thanks for sharing!
dead snake photo by Colleen Conlan |
“Show a little backbone, will ya!” – Jock the pilot
– Raiders of the lost ark-
Colleen Conlan,
legendary knitter (user of mushrooms to dye wool for said knitting) and a
wonderful person among other titles, sent in this picture of a snake backbone she found in her
garden recently. In years past Colleen has been a source of great snake
pictures including several coiled together and sunning on a shrub in her yard.
Neat to see the backbone of the slitherer, maybe one from the historic photo!
Thanks for sharing Colleen.
young punk - robin photo by Jim Conlan |
Young Robins, getting into trouble…recently Leif
and I rescued a young Robin from the
garage, and now Jim Conlan sends in
this photo of a robin that got mixed up in a job site. Hopefully the youngster
was released unharmed. Note the dots on the breast, giving away the age of the
dude. This kind of behavior is why robins will have several sets of eggs a
what the cap? photo by Jim Conlan |
Not done with Jim just
yet….some more adventures during the work day with Conlan Plumbing…this cap
full of maggots…pretty awesome..
As if that weren’t enough –
Jim also sent in this picture of a fly laying
eggs or something like that on this
small dead mammal. Very cool!
perfect place to raise a family photo by Jim Conlan |
Shorebirds –
it’s that time of the year already and its ok if your internal clock has not
fully registered the days getting shorter and the growing slower. Shorebirds on
the other hand have a closer connection to the length of daylight and the
solstice and things like that. They are not at the mercy of the Gregorian
calendar! Anyway, folks are sending in reports…here’s one from Patience
Chamberlin -
State beach cove July 18 in the fog..
1 greater yellowlegs
20 lesser yellowlegs
16 short-billed dowitchers
Several least sandpipers
1 semi palmated plover
Heard some black bellied plovers
20 lesser yellowlegs
16 short-billed dowitchers
Several least sandpipers
1 semi palmated plover
Heard some black bellied plovers
Nice sightings Patience! Thanks for sharing….
Rick Morgan sent in this photo of a group of yellowlegs, as well as this hazy photo of a whimbrel at State Beach (7/25)! Rick also reports merlin sightings at Indian Creek and Mill River.
Beth Gilford
sent in a couple of photos recently, including this one of wild cucumber root taken at the Huber Preserve. Not to label, but Beth is “one who likes flowers” (among other things) and mentioned that this
particular patch of wild cucumber root is the only patch she knows of on
island. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen,
but I can’t keep up with flowers anyway! very cool!
primrose moth photo by Beth Guilford |
And Beth was also kind enough to send in this picture of beautiful primrose moths – thanks for sending in that one too, Beth!
And while we are talking
about flowers…here’s a shot of a “rounded
shinleaf” (Pyrola minor) from
the Huber Preserve parking area….
Here’s an Iris with a bee buzzing around it….
And an Indian pipe, our favorite
“epi-parasitic” plant, just making its way to the surface.
The Fog – remember
that cool John Carpenter movie, about those old pirates spirits or whatever
that came in with the fog one night? Well, this is nothing like that, other
than that there was a foggy stretch.
Here are some pictures of fog
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Wilson's storm petrels |
One nice thing (one of many nice things)
about the fog was the Wilson’s Storm
Petrels that turned up with it! First reported in Hurricane Sound by Patience Chamberlin, WSPs are sweet
(judgment) little seabirds – equipped with tubenoses and all! – that zip around
right over the water, “walk” on the water to stir up tiny morsels of food.
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Wilson's storm petrel |
yeah, they also breed off the coast of southern Argentina and are on “winter
break” to a certain extent from their breeding zones. Very fun to have them zip
around the kayak in the fog. Look for them from the ferry as well!
Paddle to the White islands – (7/20) – loads of fog, very exciting to paddle with no view
little white island – sand dollars, spotted sandpiper,
red breasted nuthatch, swainson’s thrush, osprey, otter stuff – new otter
latrine on north side, historic otter den on south side appears not to be used
this summer, active den on west side..compete with trail of otter spraint
leading up to the opening!
The story here was the sand dollars, which are
classic for little white island.
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line of spraint....happy trail! |
And the trail
of otter spraint on granite that led to an active otter den. There may be
nothing as beautiful as otter spraint on granite. I mean other than my wife,
Amy Palmer. And my mom. And all of you readers. But other than those things
what could be more beautiful?
Bald Island – cranberry flowers, song sparrow,
annoying baby crows, northern parula, spotted sandpiper, mushrooms - yellow
patches, emetic russula, otter den still active (and why not?), awesome otter
trails through the marsh and along the east side of island…
The story here was…Cranberry Flowers! Psyched to catch some great looks at these beauties
at a sunny part of the day..because it certainly turned “unsunny” soon
after…But no trip to Bald is complete without checking out the otter scene on
island. and as usual, the otters did not disappoint.
Bald island otter activity - I loved seeing the otter trail through the
marshy area, so well worn, more
obvious than years past. The way through the quarry marsh seems to move over
time, a fluctuation in spacial location and focus that may result in less than
quality angles. This year the trail is quite obvious…
We’ve (the royal “we’ve”)
been watching this otter scene for about 10 years now (historically important)
and the trails from the eastern shoreline, into the quarry marsh, and to the
den have always been the highlight. This year was no different…
…lots of mounds of rolled up
grasses and forbs covered with spraint and that anal goo that is really gross
The historic slide once lined with chanterelles in now
ancient, and a new trail entering the quarry has developed. Lined with one
russula, it isn’t hard to imagine an otter or two or three or four belly
sliding down the incline and into the quarry. It’s the continuation of the
trail lined with mounds. The mounds trail (mounds don’t, by the way).
But the real story for the
day was kayaking in the fog. Predicted to be a sunny afternoon, the white
islands were socked in by the time I was to leave them at 2pm. Having paddled
to white island every year for the past 10 years was helpful, but all of those
days were with 100% visibility.
From Bald Island I followed
the sound of a ferry crossing up to Lawry’s narrows and over to pole island (I
think that’s the name!). I knew I had to head east to city point or dyers
island, and so I did….into the complete fogginess for over 3 minutes. It was
super exciting, and totally safe (kind of) as the tide was coming in and I knew
I wouldn’t be taken out to see by the current. Maybe my favorite paddle, and
maybe my favorite moment of the paddle was when I could finally see dyer’s
island! what a rush to be out in the fog kayaking. Probably not a big deal for
some, but was my coolest day of work in a long time. And I have really good
days of work all the time!
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scarlet waxy caps are plentiful at Huber |
a few select mushroom pictures
this go around. I mention where I found them, but in honesty (finally) they
could be anywhere.
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young painted bolete |
red-belted conk photo by Linnell Mather |
First a photo from Linnell
Mather – good friend, long time reader and contributor of the VSR, as well as
being a great executive director for the Vinalhaven Land Trust– of some sweet red-belted conk – or maybe just one? Good chance the spores
dispersed by each of the fruiting bodies are genetically the same. This one is
over at VLT’s Fish
Hook preserve – go see for yourself! Do the “conk walk” and send in your
photos of red-belted conk or any shelf mushroom!
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chicken fat suillus |
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Gemmed amanita |
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Amanita ceciliae |
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Purple bloom Russula |
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Amanita ceciliae |
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cracked bolete - Boletellus chrysenteroides |
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Coltricia perennis |
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blusher amanita - Amanita rubescens |
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scaber stalk - Leccinum aurantiacum |
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pale grissettes |
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chrome-footed bolete |
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coral mushroom |
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painted lady - underwing |
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painted lady - upper |
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silver spotted skipper |
Butterflies - Loads of Painted Ladies, and apparently some American Ladies as well turning up…Aphrodite Fritillary….silver spotted skipper…pearly crescent…painted lady all from a recent trip to otter creek (Mount Desert Island). with a name like “otter creek” it’s hard to argue…I spent the summer of 2005 there.
Raccoons –
at this point 4 different people over the last month have approached me to ask
whats happened to the island’s raccoons. Each person noted that they hadn’t see
one in months, which got me paying a little more attention to raccoon sign
especially scat (raccoon scat is the most underappreciated scat on the island!).
Anyway, places like the white islands usually are loaded with raccoon scat and
alas I saw not a speck of it in my ventures the other day.
Allan Hayes spotted a raccoon
near Folly Pond recently, so my declarations that they are all dead was a
little premature. I also found 1 patch of scat on Calderwood Island, so they
certainly aren’t all gone, but something
has put a dent into the raccoon population. Tanited garbage? Bad crabs? Paralytic
shellfish poisoning? In the speculation room we have ruled out rabies since an
island wide epidemic would have resulted in a stretch of time where zombie
raccoons ruled the woods. Have you been seeing raccoons? Have you been
poisoning raccoons? Any thoughts? Anyone care?