otterific |
Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report
April 10th , 2017
Brought to you by the kind people
at Vinalhaven Land
Trust and Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Highlights: Barred and Saw-whet Owls, Northern Shrike,
Brown Creeper, River Otters, Oldtails and other ducks, butterfly, Salamander
migration, Eastern Phoebe, Osprey, and so much more…

Thanks - Thanks
to the volunteers who came out on a chilly Saturday morning (4/8) to help tidy
up the Basin. Volunteering is a great way to give back to places we all love.
More volunteer opportunities –
VLT is
offering some select Tuesdays for trail work – May 23rd, June 13th, July 11th, and
August 15th. Contact Kerry
Hardy for more information on location and timing.
pussy willow |
MCHT (and
myself) are looking for a few (or a bunch of) folks who are interested in
helping out with the trails at Huber
and/or the Basin. We (the royal “we”) are offering a variety of volunteer
experiences – all the way from trail
monitoring to chicken wiring bridges! So if you are looking to give back a little,
contact me at and we’ll see if we can work something out
Sightings: Who’s
singing? Black-capped chickadees, Northern
Cardinals, Brown Creepers, Dark-eyed Juncos, Grackles!, Ravens, Purple Finch, Golden crowned Kinglet, Song
Sparrow, Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Eastern Phoebe

Butterfly – Mourning Cloak (4/11)
Lane’s Island (3/30) – man do we love lane’s. Here are
three things I saw out at lanes on the night of march 30th – (1) found
this dead deer when heading into a
patch of woods to look for pellets. I get the head! –
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northern shrike |
(2) might be gone now, but the Northern
Shrike that has spent a good chunk of the winter eating lane’s island voles
(the tastiest vole in Maine!) was
still present on the 30th! ….
(3) And at dusk this lone male American Woodcock
was flight displaying over the fields. Easily viewed from the picnic table by
the graveyard. Lane’s is the place to enjoy the spring ritual known as “Woodcocking!”.
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woodcocking |
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woodcock in flight |
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vintage vole poop |
Alright, I’ll add some more
Lane’s island photos here…..vole stuff
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fallopian trails |
31 Reach Road – (3/30) small group of White-winged
Crossbills chipped and flew overhead and at dusk a Saw-whet Owl was heard beeping in the woods not too far off.
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barred owl photo by Amy Palmer |
More on Owls
– Angie Olson told me tales and
showed me shots of a Barred Owl from
Tip-toe Mountain Road from recent months. I never saw nor heard a single Barred Owl during the 11 years of “owling” on Vinalhaven (others had spotted a few over those years-
randomly) and I feel like I owled often on island. Anyway, never got my hands on
her photo, but the lovely Amy Palmer, committed partner of mine for 16 years,
took this shot of a barred in our
backyard in Tenants Harbor…
Ferry Rides
– end of March ferry rides represent a transition time for both species and
plumage. Some years this time is referred to as the “doldrums” (by me) but this
spring we (the royal ”we”) are royally stoked to still be catching views some
of the classic species into spring. Here’s a taste….
4/8 - 7am from Rockland – 18 Surf Scoter, 48 Old
tailed Ducks, 63 Common Eider, 22 Common Loon, 6 Bufflehead, Black Scoter, 2
Red-necked Grebe, 2 Razorbill, 8 Black guillemot, 10 purple Sandpipers, Great
this loon is on its way
a little bit more molting and this guillemot
will be "complete"
molted old tail
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this guillemot is pooping |
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purple sandpipers on bull rock |
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great cormorant |
Always nice to see Great Cormorants, Razorbill, and purple
sandpiper – the trifecta. Here are some photos…
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red crossbill |
Long Cove – (3/31) – snapped this crappy croppy photo of a male Red Crossbill that hung
in the area for most of the morning with his “mate” (jumping to conclusions, but it is the time of the year and there were
none others around and they looked really cute together!) with seeing this
pair and understanding the recent history of the species in the area it looks
like we may be documenting the 4th
spring in a row with Red Crossbills breeding on Long Cove, and I think the 5th in a row for Vinalhaven.
Now that is cool.

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deep kicks, small slide |
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must not have been slidey that day |
trails across the pond |
Also found these “lost”
photos from the otter action in Old
Harbor Pond from the last VSR. Love those otters!
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he's digging the amphibians |
Off island –
We finally got that sweet warm rain last
Thursday (4/6) and amazing lightning show to boot! When I say warm I mean
about 35 degrees, and so with that Amy, Leif and I headed out to “catch some
critters” also known as “make new friends” and “snag a pet or two” on the roads of St. George. It was a complete
success with Wood Frogs and Spotted Salamanders just about
everywhere. They moved slowly at first – Leif was impressed with how easy it
was to catch the frogs – and as the evening got warmer it was impressive how
much the activity increased.
These frogs and salamanders
are actually being “borrowed” for educational purposes and will be returned to
wild when we are done. No breeding for them this year, which feels like the
ultimate “block” (sorry dudes). But the kids love it – already the 1st,
2nd and 8th graders at St. George School have held these
guys. They will soon be making their way to Vinalhaven, Frenchboro and beyond!
Thank you amphibians!

Up at Witherle Woods in Castine doing some animal tracking with students
from the Adams School. Good times –
here’s MCHT steward Caleb Jackson
with a bagged treasure he found in the parking area.
And here is a kid
getting low and sniffing Red Fox urine.
If you have not smelled Fox urine before you really should. It is an acquired
taste (or smell. I wouldn’t lick!) That falls somewhere in the “fancy wheel of cheese” to “skunk”
range. There is a thin line between cheese and skunk smells!
MCHT steward Caleb Jackson and treasure |
Anyway, all the kids smelled the urine which was
fun. I mentioned this to a co-worker of mine who immediately said that it “wasn’t impressive” since “kids love to smell bad things” and will
line up to smell the worst of anything. I hadn’t thought about it before, but I
guess she’s right. But I wasn’t trying to say it was impressive at all. I just
thought it was cool that none of the kids had smelled fox urine when we started
the walk (I asked!) and by the end they all had. When was the last time you
smelled Fox urine? We would know if there were Fox on Vinalhaven! They are
little stink bombs!

The otter latrines by the dam
have been well used, but the real treat has been the beaver action going on. So
much in fact that I am considering calling my evening outings “beavering”. The two nights I have seen
them in action the beavers welcomed me with some tail slaps….just long enough to let me get a shot or two, sit down
and blend into the shoreline. The beavers go back to what they are doing
surprisingly quickly. Here are some
action shots of beavers swimming and then tail slapping!
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ring necked ducks |
And with Leif – enjoying
being healthy and good outside days (aren’t all days good days to be outside?).
Looking sharp…not sure where
he gets those genes from…
And a couple of videos to
round things off…..hatchet work!
And reaching his goal of
making 100 shots in an hour. His arms were dead by the end!
See you out there! If not
before! We look forward to it!