Vinalhaven Sightings Report – August 16, 2016
Brought to you by the Vinalhaven Land Trust and the Maine Coast Heritage
Highlights – boat ride with minke whale and ocean
sunfish, ruddy turnstone, shorebirds including a 7 shorebird day!, warblers, fungus,
slime molds, birdies, a VNM orchid or two (but really only one actually), other
stuff too …
Upcoming events – this week is island-wide (including both coasts!) “Margaret Wise Brown week”.
Check out the Vinalhaven Land Trust
website ( )for more details about outings all this
week focusing on Margaret Wise Brown.
Next week - - Coyote talk – next Monday –
August 22nd! Come and hear me babble on about coyotes in general
and about the coyote that spent some time on Vinalhaven. 7pm in the town hall, school
place up on the hill.
Bird walk next Wednesday
(August 24th) 8am at skoog.
Check the VLT website for bird walks through September.
Tiit trick – click on photos to
nice fin photo by Rick Morgan |
Sightings – (8/16) – lots of flickers around island today. Saw maybe 7.
mola,mola photo by Rick Morgan |
On the water – (7/28) –in the bay and on board the “Neeve”, Norbert Leser and Rick Morgan reported some nice sightings (and
photos). A Minke Whale and an Ocean
Sunfish were the noted nature highlights and Rick got these sweet shots of the
Some background stats - Minke whale stats
- Measurements from the Audubon guide to marine mammals
“ At birth – (8’ 2” – 9’ 2”) about 710
lbs.. “
“Max length – male 32’, female 35’. Weight
probably 20,000 lbs”
ocean sunfish photo by Rick Morgan |
They are
small baleen whale and there are lots of them worldwide.
this has nothing to do with mola mola |
“The mola are the heaviest of all the bony
fish, with large specimens reaching 14 feet (4.2 meters) vertically and 10 feet
(3.1 meters) horizontally and weighing nearly 5,000 pounds (2,268 kilograms).
Sharks and rays can be heavier, but they're cartilaginous fish.”
Cool stuff
and cool sightings! Thanks for sharing Rick and Norbert!
John Drury reports Ocean Sunfish and sharks from an off shore adventures on the Skua!
Thanks John
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pair of eagles at old harbor pond photo by Jim Clayter - thanks Jim! |
Bird walks – bird
lists – (7/28) in the words of Pete Jacques…
Lane’s Island was very slow, just goldfinches in profusion and
otherwise just distant songs or single sightings of alder flycatcher, yellowthroat, song sparrow. Female eiders were unusually active at half
tide in the cove, and a lone catbird
shyly amused us. We saw one cedar
waxwing - they’d vanished temporarily - and one semipalmated sandpiper. It
was an odd morning there, and light fog didn’t help.
Beach was better: greater and lesser
yellowlegs, common tern, raven, crow, osprey, song sparrow, blue jay, bc
chickadee, black duck, common eider, robin, short-billed dowitcher
and the waxwings finally behaved like
Bird walk - (8/9) – another slow
morning, lots of goldfinches, and
highlights being 3 least sandpipers and
a turkey vulture. Beautiful morning.
ring0necked snake in steve's hand |
Bird Walk – (8/16) – Ruddy Turnstone,
Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper,
Black-bellied and Semi-palmated Plovers. Bald Eagle, Osprey, Crow, Blue Jay.
Black Guillemot, Common Tern, Common Loon, Double-crested Cormorant, Herring
and Greater Black-backed Gull, Common Eider. Hummingbird, Cedar Waxwing,
American Goldfinch, Purple Finch, Hairy Woodpecker, Red-shafted Flicker,
Black-capped chickadee, red-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, common
yellowthroat, Song sparrow, grey catbird. Highlights – group of 6 loons chillin’ together, at times swimming in circles with each
other. Ruddy Turnstone after most
folks left, but any 7 shorebird species bird
walk on vinalhaven is a good one in my book! 31 species? Felt good.
Also this tiny little ring-necked snake was
found at the end of the bird walk. The garter
snake is from North Haven
State Beach – (8/9) Short-billed Dowitcher,
Spotted Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Greater Yellowlegs,
Semi-palmated Plover
Greens otter praint |
Greens Island – (7/26) – lots of otter
sign spotted sandpiper, lesser
yellowlegs, semi-palmated plovers, common tern with young. Significant bloom of
Tawny Grisette.
ragged fringed orchid vnm! yeah baby! |
Very cool highlights – Common Tern adult leaving a fresh
fledgling on the rocky shores of greens to fish off shore, the classic otter latrine…
Unexpected plant VMN on Greens for me – Ragged-fringed Orchids (Planthanthera lacera)
and the tawny grissette bloom - Here’s what Lawrence Millman had to say about
them poetic the tawny grissette (Amanita fulva) in “fascinating fungi of new England”, a case of
Larry going “descriptive poetic”.
tawny grissette |
“very handsome mushroom”
“…long tapering stem and pale sheath-like
nice sheath-like volva |
“the absence of a ring (around the stem)
disproves the popular belief that all Amanitas have rings”
(I learned
that there are such things as “popular beliefs” about mushrooms!)
for some reason the blog is turning some photos upside down this is one of them. chanterelle! |
Bike Ride – (7/26). Calderwood neck road –
3 chantrelle patches (nice ones) and a sharp-shinned hawk parent with
youngsters sounding pretty fresh out of the nest. Both were highlights.
chanterelles are tasty |
Starboard Rock – (7/26) really the
first patches of the Blusher – Amanita rubescens – an island amanita
favorite of ours. Back to Lawrence Millman as he goes “anthropomorphic” about A.
good and bad the blush and the mold |
“does the
fact that it’s not poisonous make it
feel like a wimp next to its toxic Amanita cousins?”
“Or is it embarrassed because it’s so susceptible to the designs of the Amanita mold? “
More on the mold/A. rubscens relationship… “The Amanita mold (Hypomyces hyalinus)
turns A. rubescens into a phallic,
chalky, pimpled mutation of its former self.”
moldy amanita |
“The jury is
out as to whether other Amanitas might be victimized because the host is so
completely altered by the parasite’s sleight-of-hand.”
non-moldy amanita |
“With A.
rubscens, red dish stains identify the host”
blusher blushing |
another blusher look |
Here’s some
more from the fungal photo gallery file.
painted bolete! |
even with the toupee... |
it's still a destroying angel! |
red-pored bolete. after slugs... |
red-pored bolete from below |
bitter bolete |
these indian pipes started out strong |
Plant stuff - These Indian
Pipes (Monotropa uniflora) have been having a
rough go of it on the along an early stretch of the Huber trail. Not sure what the black stuff is, but they smelled
pretty bad this last photo. Here’s what John Eastman has to say about them….
but never really got past this point |
of an earlier generation, convinced that nature had made a bad mistake,
deplored this strange little perennial for its “degenerate morals”.” Botantists
also used to think mushrooms were plants! Those were the days.
these are "kind of normal" indian pipes |
pipe’s key associates, necessary to its survival, are the subsurface fungi by
means of which it obtains nourishment.”
seeds form mycorrhizal bonds, and several stems usually rise together in hooded
“ghostly array” from a parent mycorrhizal mat. The plant always grows in shade,
never in open sunlight.”
tapioca slime anyone? |
Slimes – recent rains pumped out some significant numbers of tapioca slime along trails.
big patch o' slime photo by Jim Conlan |
Jim Conlan came across this 2x2 patch
of a slime that has “gone to spore” as we say (the royal “we”). Could be tapioca, or severally bleached scrambled egg slime. Nice find Jim!
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bagged doggy-doo in Tallinn |
Things we find in the woods –
collection of recent “bagged doggy doo”
photos – Estonia, Adirondacks and
beautiful Lane’s Island!
baggeddoggy-doo in the adirondacks |
lane's island picnic tables this morning! |
Condom from the thorofare!
"one prophylactic - soiled" quote from Frank Oz |
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archery in Estonia |
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with Nanni and family in Estonia |
ready for mining |
and the proud biker! |
and leify stuff of course!
see you out there!