"spraint with a view" |
Welcome to the vinalhaven sightings
report – August 31at, 2016
Thank you to VLT and MCHT, for your continued support
Highlights –
Solitary Sandpipers, Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow, great
horned owls, tree swallows, otter dens, sand dollars, pinesap (the plant!), othere
Business - contact us!
– vinalhavensightingsreport@gmail.com
– with sightings, photos, questions and/or email
Tiit Trick – click on the photos to make them huge!
Thank you – to the folks who came by the town hall for the
coyote talk the other night (8/22). It was fun for me to do.
and a big thanks to those who share sightings with us!
and a big thanks to those who share sightings with us!
solitary sandpiper photo by Rick Morgan |
"not-so" solitary sandpiper(s) photo by Rock Morgan |
![]() |
"one-legged geese" photo by Jim Clayter |
In the bay – Seal Bay –
MCHT Mount Desert Island Steward “ ’lil
Dougy” McMullin spent a night in Seal
Bay recently (7/25) and heard at least
3 Great Horned owls hooting it all up from lands around the water. Sounds
like it was pretty cool.
female eider photo by Rick Morgan |
(7/24) Also in Seal Bay – Hay Island – Rick Morgan and his (and Arlenes!) daughter Julia were camping and cooking out when they were “serenaded by a Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow for 30 minutes”. Awesome to hear they are there and even awesomer that Rick knew what to listen for with the Nelson’s! Hot iron being dipped in water is the “song” described in Sibleys as “pl-tesh hhhhh-ush”. Catchy tune for sure!
(8/23) Magic On the water – well. (Maybe the magic was more on
the islands I visited). But I did paddle to the white islands last Tuesday and
man was it magical. At least once a year I make a paddle out to the white
islands, north westish of the hurricane island. Highly recommend it! This is always a favorite
trip of mine. Black Guillemot juvenile welcomed
me to the archipelago.
more treasure |
little white is nice |
Little White Island was my first stop,
as it is an island with a pretty strict low tide landing. Several sand dollars were there to welcome me
ashore. Nice start…
mink den with washed out scat |
osprey nest |
…I started
out from the north west “corner” (the royal “corner”) and went clockwise, a
safe choice that lets one bound along a ledgey shoreline. I stopped by the osprey nest (osprey were around the
islands, active and vocal),
....and then checked out the mink den that’s been active over the last few years. It had an impressive pile of very “washed scat” (old pieces), but no sign of recent use.
close up of washed out scat |
....and then checked out the mink den that’s been active over the last few years. It had an impressive pile of very “washed scat” (old pieces), but no sign of recent use.
Then I came
across this second mink den, with
multiple entrances (or exits really) that showed some recent use (more recent
than that watered down scat at the first den!). good to see.
"5 dried spraints and a crack" |
well-worn area by marshy spot |
I made my
way to “the marshy spot” (“TDC”) where over the years (the last 9 to be
exact) an otter (or two) would mark
rocks next to a marshy spot (the only marshy spot along the shore to be exact).
The “typical 5 dried spraint on a rock”
was to be found again this trip as it is pretty much every year.
old spraint skid marks |
I stepped a
few rocks over – as I have 9 years in a row – and came across the newly named “the stinky spot”. Newly named in honor
of the strong aroma that came along with each photo taken – really close
experiences to get shots of the spraints! Anyway…
Thick, frothy, super fresh and four of them!
Looked like mostly lobster in them, and we all know how lobster effects their
digestive systems! Loosens and
moisturizes (or “adds moisture” or however it is worded), and the runny streaks running down the edge of the
rocks offer evidence of an overflow of moisture in the spraint. In my
experience this added liquid is trypical of “otter spraints of lobster”.
…and so you
see Monday (the morning before) it had poured, “Poured like the mother of
dickens” (love that phrase). The fresh spraints were clearly laid (laid
spraint!) after the storm, so likely Monday night/ Tuesday morning. So fresh
that I would have quessed they were made that morning, potentially right before
they ventured into a den.
I always picture the otters facing the "best" view when "dropping spraint". I wonder if it has more to do with direction of travel. probably. |
Adding to
the fun were several old (or “elder”) spraints.
Clearly older (at least older than the day before when it rained) it was
apparent that “the stinky spot” had been marked multiple times recently.
otter run anyone? |
There was a
nice run from the “spraints in the
latrine” (should have been the name of a Police album – would have most
likely been the best part of the album!) that darted into some trees and behind
a boulder. Closer examination showed a
root system of a dead, leaning tree pretty
much exposed and ready to be entered
(if you know what I mean).
anyone home? |
Anyway, I am
willing to say that while the den may have been active in years past, there is
no way I have missed this activity in years past. New den! I think number 11
for the year! Not sure.
raccoon scat with operculum |
And so I
continued to make my way clockwise, found a nice raccoon scat and it was made up mostly of crab shells but a snail operculum breaks the crab
continuum. At least for a second.
Back in the
woods I was almost back to the beach with the sand dollars and my kayak. I had
to pass by “the sweet spot” an area
named for an historic abundance of otter spraint – maybe 40+ every visit.
well-worn sweet spot |
Today there was one spraint – somewhat recent. Other than that the area looked well trampled, certainly marked in some ways, just not with spraint. A quick look down the bank had a couple of openings in the bank, below and in a tree’s roots. One had evidence of a dig out last winter maybe.
While not
showing signs of currently being “active”,
the den was possibly used over the winter, and possibly a female with young.
Word is that there is no spraint close to den when young are in! But this is
hefty speculation laid on here.
The real
story was two dens new to Kirk on an island I have visited many times. Great
start to the day.
spectacle island beach |
A quick
visit to Spectacle/White Island turned
up a couple of otter latrines, a mink latrine and some nice rocks.
on….to Bald Island – which is a
special one for me in many ways. One of course being the name. And the other
being the awesome otter den in the
fresh water marshy quarry on top. I checked on the three main trails to the den and found them to be thick with
signs of use.
otter trail - straight shot |
Otter trail, lined with spraint.
Straight shot right to the heart of the matter
this is the gross gooey stuff photo! |
Otter slide – awesome and epic as
always. Spraint along the slide and that gross white gooey stuff, that
apparently can turn yellow over time.
top of the otter slide |
look for the trail thru the cattails across the way. |
The best is the photo where you can see where the otters cross water (after sliding/running down) and then follow a well-worn trail through the cat tails. Very cool
this was stinky and in a new spot |
Otter rocks. May be where the 4 otters
had been hanging/focussed before heading over to little white. But who knows.
den # 3 for the day? thank you very much! |
And then I
continued on…only to come across some
stinky otter spraint in a spot I’d never
smelled (nor seen) spraint before.
And then there was a hole behind it that looked worn and visited. Den # 3 for the day – and I think #13 for the year (and its only august!).
Quick easy and fun. Lovely day…and paddle….
On the way
back I spotted this den when close to Crane Island (or one of it’s little
pocket islands to the south). Not making any bets here…….
(8/24) bird walk – another nice morning, group and birds. Lane’s was sweet – Waxwing, Goldfinch and Purple Finch
putting on nice displays on the tops of trees and the goldfinch posing on
State Beach turned up a pair of Greater Yellowlegs by the causeway
(rough part of town) that were actively fishing and chasing (and eating!) tiny
phish in the shallows. Common Loons,
Least and Semi-palmated Sandpipers, osprey from the causeway. Sweet looks….
on the group was entertained by a flock of
40-50 Tree Swallows that started out over the water circling and feeding
and then came over to the group for a very low fly over. And then the process
started again and went for several rounds. Truly a remarkable experience. I haven’t see
more than a couple dozen swallows (if
that many) on Vinalhaven and can remember only one bird walk were we saw
swallows and I think we saw like 4 total. Anyway, great wrap up to the bird
walk. Fun for everyone.
afternoon I got to spend some time with some 1st year students from
Bowdoin College on their 2nd day of school. We went to Huber and cut
back the trail for a few hours with loppers. It was fun and the kids were cool.
pine sap is cool |
We also found some pine sap and I took this crappy, out of focus picture of them. Pine sap is parasitic, as we know, and somewhat reminiscent of Indian Pipes but have multiple blooms on each stem. Anyway, I don’t find these too often on Vinalhaven, maybe one patch every few years or something.
chillin' with the monkeys |
calm like the Buddha |
big fun at monkey c money do. |