Welcome to the Vinalhaven
Sightings Report – April 28th, 2016
Brought to you in
part by VLT, MCHT and U (meaning U!)
Happy birthday me!
Highlights – Wood ducks, woodcocks, Osprey, Yellow-rumped
and Palm(er) Warblers, Phoebes, Green-winged Teal, Belted Kingfisher,
long-eared owl, visit to Calderwood Island, some things about Frenchboro. Lots of amphibian eggs. And finally will I
remember to post some early mushroom photos?
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there are two people picking up trash in this photo |
Business - Basin clean-up revisited – Good
to see folks and good to clean up the Basin. Here’s a few random shots
best team award goes to Mia and Dylan photo by Gabe Peter Harp |
checking out the stuff collected |
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spotted salamander eggs |
Tiit trick –
click on the photos to make them bigger
black jelly roll! "ain't nobody gunna steal my jelly roll" |
Congratulations –
to Cheap Trick on making it into the
rock and roll hall of fame. Was never a fan at all, but still – what an
accomplishment. The Tiit trick
segment was inspired by that band.
Upcoming events –check the VLT website – www.vinalhavenlandtrust.org - and the MCHT website – www.mcht.org – for a vast array of walks and talks being offered this year!
springtails have been especially springy this year |
Sightings – Who’s singing – Brown Creeper,
Chickadee, Hermit Thrush, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglet, Winter wren,
On the ferry - Walt Day told tales of a pair of Wood
Ducks that were spending some time in his pond behind his house. Never a bad
sign to see Wood Ducks in your yard…Walt
also talked about seeing his first osprey
of the season (4/11). Several
more have been reported around the island.
lane's island bridge |
Speaking of woodcocks
– Danny Ames mentioned finding a
woodcock nest up on Zeke’s Point. Woodcocks
are ground nesters (all ground nesters are extra bad-ass)
and a female woodcock sits tight on a nest before bolting, almost until stepped
on in some cases.
Danny said there
were 4 eggs in the ground nest and
it wasn’t the first woodcock nest he has found. I would love to see one someday!
Good work Danny!
a boy and his nests |
Mr. Ames also
mentioned some Canada Geese in the Basin
and old harbor pond being active. Goslings not too far off.
John Drury reports
Yellow-rumped Warblers singing out
on Greens since (4/19).
Chuck from the ferry
mentioned seeing his first Green-winged
Teal (VVNM) over by Indian Creek.
It was apparently hanging close to a mallard couple, which is the obvious sign of nothing.
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long-eared pellet from lane's |
Lane’s Island –Fresh Long-eared Owl pellets found
April 9th.
From the ferry – Old-tail ducks – molted and looking
good, many surf scoter, red-breasted merganser, bald eagles, black guillemots,
common eider, red-necked grebes, horned grebe in breeding plumage.
this kangaroo skeleton was on Calderwood |
Calderwood – (4/4) – Oldtails in breeding
plumage, surf scoter, red-necked grebe, downy and hairy woodpecker, brown
creeper, red-breasted nuthatch, deer carcass, tree climbing, otter latrine
still active! That is now 8 years (at least) with this active latrine.
and some other places.....
Frenchboro -
(4/13,14) – red crossbills, palm(er) warblers, red-breasted nuthatch,
golden-crowned kinglets, phoebes, red-backed salamander, put up trail camera at
otter den, confirmed 2nd otter den, belted kingfisher, sculpin,
merlin falcon flitter flight display,
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in case you were wondering this is the way to rich's head |
this nice otter trail and brown out led to.... |
this trail covered in spraint |
and then to this crevice |
where when you looked down ... |
where you saw the latrine with hefty use, undoubtedly the opening of a den. this was cool |
this is Douglas at the other otter den we know of on Frenchboro. together we are kirk douglas |
this sculpin was fun to catch |
one shrew and one mouse skull in this pellet. hungry owl |
The marsh -
green winged teals, osprey, bald eagle, Canada geese, wood ducks, great
blue heron, belted kingfisher, mallard, spotted salamander and wood frog eggs
in vernal pool, otter latrine.
(4/23) with the girl
scouts – barred owl pellets with both shrew and vole skulls in a single pellet.
Very cool.
Rockport - been checking out a property. great vernal pools -
wood frog eggs |
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spotted salamander eggs |
and a lot of owl pellets. 15 so far.
. plus turkey, pileated woodpeckers and sapsuckers. hard to argue with that.
had a great trip upstate in the new York - chittinango falls
biking the creek
and mine shafts! |
crossing the rip van winkle bridge...
learning about minecraft and fishing with uncle tom and aunt linda!
leif and newt |
hope everyone is doing well - hope to see you out there!