Welcome to the
Vinalhaven Sightings Report
Feb 5th,
MCHT and VLT sponsored - thanks!
Happy Birthday Dad. Still miss you!
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Addy and her snow flea photo by Susan Raven |
Highlights – otter stuff, finchy days, dead
thick-billed murre, kid stuff
Tiit trick – click the
photos to enlarge!
Upcoming events – Great Maine Outdoor Weekend –
Owls/otters Slide show - Friday Feb 12th. 7pm at Washington
School/Town hall. Tracking outing – Saturday Feb 13th. 9:30am Skoog Park
to carpool. Good clean fun.
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heading out photo by Susan Raven |
Kids stuff – Big thanks to the Perspectives program (Partners in
Education & VLT) and MCHT for setting up and sponsoring a couple of afternoons
with students in the woods. “Animal
tracking” was the topic, and
even with the old snow (we are talking
old, like more than a week!) the groups were tipped off about cat, deer,
squirrel, and snowshoe hare that live in the area. Snow fleas too!
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never did find that kid photo b y Susan Raven |
We capped it off with some totally safe mountain climbing and games. Always a good time with perspectives!
Looking forward to next time
Safe travels to the Ravens as they embark on an epic journey "cruising the land of the free".
Sightings – Owl imprints – Heather and Adam
White were walking Sawyer and Shamus out on Lane’s after the most recent
snow and they found some classic owl prints in the snow. Heather and Adam have
spotted Long-eared owl prints in years past on Lane’s.
Worth going over at dusk to see about hunting or after a
fresh snow to look for fresh imprints! Long-eareds,
Short-eareds, Great Horned and Snowy are all owl possibilities out there!
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still dead photo by John Drury |
Freshly washed up – John
Drury sent in this photo of a “washed up” Thick-billed Murre that came ashore on Greens Island. Winter time
visitor, some winters 3-5 are reported from around island, other years few to
none sightings. So far this winter we have 1
dead thick-billed murre reported.
Finch days – I’ve
had a couple of nice days on the platform/Mack’s pond trails in the basin
lately, one day checking the trails (1/27)
and then returning to clear the trail (2/2). Both days were highlighted by “winter” finch
activity high up and above the spruce.
(1/27) Mack’s pond
lollipop – the hike out was low on activity but once I got a visual of
Mack’s Pond the bubbly bubbles of finch calls and song were heard en mass.
Started off with a White-winged
Crossbill singing and performing a flight display (not for me I suppose). Somewhat
like a flitter-flight, but he was holding his wings at somewhat of a “V” with
quick flitters of the wings to keep it somewhat aloft above the trees (or so it
looked from below). White-wingeds
were heard in small numbers the rest of the way along the Mack’s pond trail and
the back loop to the platform.
The white-winged crossbill chatter appeared to attract other
finches in the area (or it was just perfect timing) and within moments a group
of about 15 pine siskins graced the
scene with lots of loud chips (crunchy even) and buzzes. Several groups of Siskins
were seen along the rest of the walk. Also mixed in were a few American
Goldfinch, but for some reason we are not talking about them much.
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vole tunnels from under the snow the snow has melted |
(2/2) 3 finch
days are fun, and so one might think that 4
finch days must be funner (it’s a word in my dictionary!) and then even
more fun on top of that. All of the above is true. Once again the woods were
quiet on my way out, but like many times before the rattle and hum of the
chainsaw seemed to spark a curiosity in some of the siskins, because each time I turned off the saw there was chatter
in the trees above. Chatter that was not heard prior. Or it could be timing. Have
noticed it with Pine Grosbeaks (historically) at Huber. Anyway…
Things were similar to last time, less Goldfinch I think,
but when we (the royal “we”) got to the pitch pine/red spruce zone up at the
top 3 Red Crossbills were feasting on pine seeds (in pine cones). Great looks
and lots of chatter, next siskins and goldfinch came in. we are talking clear
views, eye level (if you are 10 feet tall) as they busily macked on pine and
spruce seeds. White-winged Crossbills flew over singing while I was soaking up
the view from the platform.
Speaking of otters – Otter latrines along the south-eastern
Basin shoreline continue to be used.
Mainland – the marsh - Leif and I made just about as most
out of the Marsh ice as we could before it melted to unsafe thickness and
stamina-ess (and an adventure after that point too!). The non-otterish photos
are down below….
We found no otter sign on the “rocks in the middle of the marsh” where I had seen “spraint thru the scope”, but Leif found
a swiss army knife and we read a book so things were cool.
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otter and leif tracks |
(1/31) The last time we went out on the ice (it was barely
passable as “safe”, but was) we got turned onto a group of otter trails that
went along a shore “where the sun don’t shine” and thusly held snow and tracks
longer. The belly slides were visible from a distance and were our inspiration
to find a relatively safe way to access. Sketchy, only along the edges really.
We made our way (of course) and found the trails of 3 otters
left at the pretty much the same time, so three otters going from a heavily
used latrine, along the shore for about 50 feet (enough for a few good belly
slides) and into a hole in the ground. As far as dens go it doesn’t get any simpler
than that!
1st den I have found on the mainland, Leif’s
first den altogether, so it was a good day already. Our goal was to make it to
a second beaver dam (we were above the lower, big one) and when we approached
we were delighted to find that the otters had been there too!
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the tracks led to this hole. |
At first we took the activity to be a sign of denning, or of
a resting place. Two in close proximity is not unheard of as access to dens
changes with snow and ice and the such. I had crossed this dam a few times and certainly
had not seen such an opening in the dam nor had the flow seemed so significant.
Limited data to go by for sure.
Anyway, what still may turn out to be a den (that would be
#2 on the mainland) also may be sign of an otter strategy for fishing. We turn
to Elbroch and Rinehart “Behavior of North American Mammals”
“otters have been known to breach beaver dams beneath the
ice, creating air spaces under the ice and concentrating fish as the water
flows out of the impoundment”.
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"mother/child" spraint |
Great sentence! Plenty of otter spraint on the top and
downhill side of the dam. No shortage of successful fishing and plenty of water
(melt off from a very small snow) was still flowing thru the dam. Fun to think
about the possibilities!
All in all our adventure turned up two new latrines, a den,
and a possible den/breached beaver dam. Another step in learning about our neighbors.
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....and then to this 2 days later |
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raccoon fir and bone |
Cool to find fox and coyote scat as well. Well, the coyote
scat at least. Raccoon fur and bone chunks are cool and a coyote scat in the
middle of one of the new otter latrines says all there is to know about coyote
attitude. They think they are a big deal.
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there is just something gross about fox scat |
Judgment paragraph! - Fox scat on the other hand I am
finding a little disturbing, and up front I should say that few things really
disturb me in nature. The fox scats on snow have been showing this wetness
around them, which makes me realize that the fox scats I find not in the snow probably
also have that liquid around them and I just don’t notice it. I don’t know what
it is – not a big fan of the wet fox scats.
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leif looking at a snowy owl. its on the middle island |
And of course, Leif and I ventured to Marshall Point
lighthouse and a quick scan of the grassy ledges to the east turned up a Snowy
Owl – Leif’s first Snowy Owl – which we watched while we snacked. Good times….
and lots of leif on the ice.
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cattail battle. not sure why that face was made |
and cattail battles....
...and ice sharding...
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the ice broke cool like. ice sharding |
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we thought this looked cool |
and then soup, hot chocolate and.....minecraft legos! life is pretty good these days!
see you out there!