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hope everyone had a happy halloween |
Welcome to the
Vinalhaven Sightings Report
November 3rd,
Brought to you with
the support of
“Why can’t I bring my
legos to college?”
Leif after watching Toy Story 3
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proof that dinosaurs lived on mars. or that shorebirds are at state beach |
Highlights – slug
babies, owls “rescue, dead & dying”, thrushes, Tree Sparrows, ducks, bird
sounds, fungus, frogs!, snakes, a bunch
of videos, other stuff and whatever
Business – Don’t forget to share! Please send in your sightings,
pictures, comments to vinalhavensightings@gmail.com
if you want to be guaranteed(*) that your sightings make the VSR.
Sightings/photos sent to other emails (like baldfulmar) often get buried (cuz
we’re soooooo popular) and may not make it in the VSR.
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you are almost guarenteed a sunrise or sunset shot in the VSR this is sunrise with owl's head light. from the ferry. |
(*) There are no guarantees in the VSR, just like there is
no crying in baseball. Unless you are a St. Louis Cardinal. Speaking of which,
congrats to Big Papi and the one or two other Red Sox players (non-pitchers)
that had cameo (but crucial) moments in the World Series. What a performance
(by Big Papi that is)!
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my guess is that this dude is going to be toast soon |
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there is a waxy cap (Hygrocybe genus) in this photo |
Tiit trick – click on the
photos to make them bigger. You need to see Wooly Velvet Polypore jumbo size!
You’ll never go back – I swear!
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hygrocybe from the side |
One last thing – Got sick bird? - if you are a person your friends call about an injured and non-injured wildlife, or maybe you are someone who likes birds (as opposed to the bird haters out there!) then it might not be a bad idea to jot this number down – (382-6761) – it’s for the Avian Haven place in Freedom (ME). More on them later! (Ha, Ha. I wrote “more on”!).
Sightings – We start with a springtail video, from the "tidepools" in the Reach
Slug babies! They are so cute when they
are young! Erin Creelman, the sender of odd nature photos (odd = good in this
case as in most cases) has topped even herself with this photo of young slugs
emerging from a gang of egg cases (presumably a gang of slug egg cases). Looks
like it’s already sick of its siblings as it is high-tailing it out of there.
Awesome shot, awesome find, and awesome observation. Thanks for sharing! And
while we’re at it…
let there be slugs photo by Erin Creelman |
there's an owl in there photo by Erin Creelman |
Owl Rescue – “we have a problem” was the phrase Mike Bunker started with after knocking
on my door the other day. “Oh spraint” I said (paraphrasing) in my head not
knowing which of the multiple options of “problem” (some big, some small) it
could be. “We have an owl…” and it all went from there. Mike, Loren, and Joe from the Electric Co-op had come across an
injured Great Horned Owl by Round Pond.
They said its wing looked pretty bad and had it wrapped up in a sweatshirt.
Whatever its physical state was, it was clearly pissed as it continued to
struggle and bill snap from within the sweatshirt. Who could blame him really,
no matter how many times you tell them you are there to help they just don’t
seem to get it. Picking up a Great Horned Owl is always dangerous business (even
a dead one might hurt someone), but they wanted to rescue the owl, salt of the
earth these three guys are.
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neither an owl nor a bird. seems like as good a place to mention butterflies - American Copper - on Greens! Yahhhhhhooooo! We saw a butterfly! |
And so the owl got shipped (was shipped?) literally to the kind folks at Avian Haven (www.avianhaven.org - 382-6761) in Freedom. We’ve mentioned these birdy rescue people in the past. They take in the injured and do what can be done. Last year a few Saw-whet Owls were sent over (they pick up at the ferry!) and rehabbed. Those birds were starving, but this Great Horned had a smashed up wing. Almost all birds that fly have hollow bones - makes ‘em lighter - Loons (with their thicker bones) are an exception in North America. Anyway, smashed hollow bones don’t heal well very often, and unfortunately the word on the street says that they had to put this Great Horned Owl down (like dead down). So it goes, the boys did what they could – it was a great struggle and effort.
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Comma (either Grey or Common) this shot was nto fuzzy until it was posted. Yahhhooo! another butterfly! |
A few days later Mike informed me that there are some action
pictures of the owl being placed in a box for shipping. Word is that the Owl
remained pissed thru out the entire experience. The pictures are in a place
called “the facebook” (similar to “the Netflix”?) and if someone joins this
exclusive “the facebook” club then you might be able to find them. That’s the
best I can give about that.
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dead owl photo by Faith Osgood |
But what makes this even cooler is that Faith took it “to the
next level” and searched for leg bands – and found one! Holey moley! And here’s
what it read/said:
Not a “900” number but almost as good. So for spraints and
giggles I called the “Bird Band Hotline” (like just called them) since I failed
completely with their website. The conversation started slowly and I wasn’t too
sure what to think at first of the fact
that the person on the line didn’t know how to spell Saw-whet. I realized quickly
that this was a bird data entry job that
you probably didn’t have to like birds to do. I was happy with a friendly person on the
other side. Anyway, things picked up when they said “and you get a reward for
sending in the info”, and I was like “hellsssss yeah! Right on”, to which they
laughed and quickly changed their wording to “you get a certificate” with info on
the bird you (we) reported. So now Faith and I are waiting eagerly for our
certificates that confirm she found a dead bird and that I called a number.
Here’s the info on this owl they were able to relay over the phone –
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dead owl leg, with band photo by Faith Osgood |
It was banded – Nov.
15, 2012. In a place called Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania. (the person on the phone misspelled Fort Loudon as well). Anyway & for folks keeping track at home, that's roughly 638 miles away from Vinalhaven, or a 10.5 hour car ride - probably not including the ferry ride!
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this vole is dead, and a lot of owls eat voles |
Anyway, maybe we’ll have more information when the certificates arrive, as this is a "last second" story with more to develop (or not) soon. Anyway and in conclusion, the bottomline is that this
bird put some serious miles on those little owl wings. And I got to say “Fort Loudon” for the first time in my life! Still don't know where it is though! Somewhere south of Buffalo! Moving on and thanks for sharing Faith!
look at that red tail photo by Karen Oakes |
mackin' on berries photo by Karen Oakes |
Sparrows - Tree
Sparrows are back! Along with White-throated,
Song, and Savannah Sparrows are the most numerous around the island. A Lincoln Sparrow has been reported from
Greens by John.
golden-crowned kinglet photo by Sally |
armbrust White-throated Sparrow photo by Sally |
In the woods – Hermit thrush, Brown Creepers, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned
Kinglets, Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers
(honorary songbirds)
Pinky Tuscadero photo by Sally |
for comparison photo by Sally |
Anyway, Sally was kind enough to send in a photo of a "regular" looking Cardinal for comparison. Now that is awesome and thoughful. Thanks to Sally and everyone else who's shared their observations in the VSR. Enough!
On the water – seabirds, sea ducks, and Captain Pete ‘s report –
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Surf Scoters - "Poor man's Puffins" from Huber |
10/23 Mergansers (red-breasted)
10/26 Long Tailed Ducks (lots)
Scoters (surf)
Bufflehead (a few)
Thank you captain Pete!
State Beach –
Gannets, Loons, Great Cormorants, Horned and Red-necked Grebe, Guillemots,
Red-breasted Mergansers, Song Sparrow, ….
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buffleheads - coming to a cove near you |
"Sea Ducks" happening –
Surf Scoter (Huber, The Reach, Ferry), Red-breasted Mergs (State Beach, Ferry),
Buffleheads (Carver’s and Huber), Old-tails (Ferry)…. Other ducks Wood Ducks
(Folly Pond, puddle ponds), Black Duck (Folly, Pleasant River, Carvers), Hooded
Mergansers (Old Harbor Pond, Carver’s, Pleasant River).
Thorofare – Scoters and
Old-tails are reported!
Gulls – Multiple
reports of people enjoying Bonaparte’s Gulls recently. We are running out of
time and need to post this soon, and let’s
face it – Gulls are a low priority – even the cool ones! Ha! Anyway, here’s a
video or two from Pleasant River – lots of Bonaparte’s and Ring-billeds at low
tide. Bonaparte’s make a great sound! Listen up!
Herps – fun to be writing
about Amphibians and Reptiles (you know, the cold blooded ones) in November.
Unfortunately some of it is the continuing saga of road kill snakes. (8/23)
was a classic bike ride – 10 snakes – 8 dead, one soon to be dead (squirming
and rolling with intestines partially on the “exo”-side) and then one live one right
by my house. Picked him up, let Leif and Zo handle him and then let him go.
Here’s a couple of videos from the release.
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late fall oysters and brick tops |
Halloween Frogs –
Dyer’s Island – Elaine Drury reports
an active Pickerel Frog scene out on
Dyer’s on Halloween. ….Reach Road -
Peeper still heard (10/31) in
one, warm, sunny, spot.
Salamander’s –
Two reports of Spotted Salamanders
in the last week. Erin Creelman saw
one in her neighborhood, Josh Clayter
found one near Loud’s Quarry.
Fungus - we start with some recently bloom’ Turkey
Tails from Perry Creek. The “shelves” of this(these) particular fungi
individual like to reconnect. Don’t always see that. Anyway, here’s a bunch of TT
photos to start with….
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polypores so cool stuff like this |
So some Polypores decompose the roots or the lower portion
of trees (“the butt”)
David Arora, from Mushrooms Demystified - “these are the fleshy
to rather tough polypores with a clearly defined cap, pore surface, and stalk. As
such they are easy to recognize – the presence of a stalk separates them from
most other polypores, and confusion with the boletes is unlikely because
boletes have a soft fleshy texture, central stalk, and tubes which are usually
longer (deeper) and peel away easily from the cap (and often from each other”
First off, I love any “fungal group description” where the
majority of talk is what they are not. Stalked
Polypores are not boletes! Neither acting nor looking like. We have a few
examples of stalked polypores on the island – Shiny Cinnamon Polypore, the
random Hen of the Woods to name a few. As of late though the Wooly Velvet Polypore
has put out a bloom that has been fun to watch. A bigger bloom than I have seen
before out here, and one noted up and down the coast from recent walks.
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leaf absorbed |
We like the way the fruiting bodies of polypores absorbs
what’s in their way rather than pushing leaves and grass to the side. Anyway, I
don’t see them all that often.
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old friend |
The original “old friend” - Crowded Parchment – Stereum complicatum (cool species name).
Something like 18 Years ago, back when letters were folded (and envelopes licked!), I sent a letter to an “old friend”, Tad Drake, about seeing lots of Crowded Parchment in Ohio. In Tad’s reply from California (CA has a noted lack of crowded parchment) he referred to the C.P. as an “old friend”. Not sure why I am sharing this, but Crowded Parchment always brings a smile to my face. The original “old friend”, one of many mushroom “old friends” these days. Anyway – found at the Huber!
Something like 18 Years ago, back when letters were folded (and envelopes licked!), I sent a letter to an “old friend”, Tad Drake, about seeing lots of Crowded Parchment in Ohio. In Tad’s reply from California (CA has a noted lack of crowded parchment) he referred to the C.P. as an “old friend”. Not sure why I am sharing this, but Crowded Parchment always brings a smile to my face. The original “old friend”, one of many mushroom “old friends” these days. Anyway – found at the Huber!
here's some others to round out the fungal scene these days....
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so many species of fungus are bloomin on logs i've cut. brings a tear to the eye |
had a nice Purple Coral mushroom session towards Zeke's Point....
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purple coral |
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purple coral looks cool from above |
...reported fungal scene that is....

and so leif was stoked on his costume
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please don't tell leif you've seen a photo of his secret hiding place not so secret with the nunchucks red hanging from the tree |
stoked on rock cairens on greens
and stoked on legos in general