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look at this awesomely trippy tidepool shot photo by Banner Moffat |
Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report– August 8th, 2013
MCHT & VLT helping to bring
“the pork to the people”
Photos for a rainy day –
part 1 of a 2 part series
part 1 of a 2 part series
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heron photo by Banner Moffat |
Highlights – Baby Cardinals,
Tropicbird, Otters, crazy caterpillar, Pickerel Frog, other things
We'll begin with a montage of Banner Moffat photos as we cover
this editor’s note….
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beaver chew - folly pond photo by Banner Moffat |
Editor’s note – (stating
the obvious) - The point of the VSR is
to provide an outlet where folk can share their nature photos and wildlife
observations twith (not a misspelling) others. Just look at the great photos
in this VSR post (and in all the previous posts) and you can see why we at the VSR
feel pretty good about how this outlet is being utilized.
What folks may not know is the dream of the VSR staff to have a post without any of the VSR staff contributing to the report. What could be better than a post (or two, or 100) that only had photos that were sent in? A beuatiful dream i know! Well, today this dream is becoming a reality! And reality is a funny place.
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many headed-slime - the yellow stuff photo by Banner Moffat |
So keep on sending sightings and photos vinalhavensightings@gmail.com ,
as well as addresses for those who’d like to be told when new posts are posted.
See ya out there!
Otters - Ali McCarthy reports seeing her first otters of the season, back on
their classic ledge (in clear view from a window in her house) in Carver’s Pond. I believe she said there were two together and that
one appeared smaller than the other. That has been confirmed in my mind, but
not with Ali. Anyway, looking forward to more Carver’s/Old Harbor Pond otter stories
this season and into the winter!...Rick Morgan
reports seeing an otter by the Privilege in Winter Harbor. We all agree it is a
privilege to see otters anywhere…..
Old Harbor Pond –
Jim Clayter sent in these Great Egret photos from behind his
house. Jim reports he last saw a Great Egret from his house in 2002. Way to
keep track!
His cove on the pond is very “heron friendly” as he has sent in photos of Little Blue, Green and others over the years…. The chart i have for Maine birds shows Great Egret as being “uncommon” for the state with fewer than 10 records of them breeding in Maine (before 1996). Granted the chart I have is from 1996, but it still gives a feel for the uncommonness of Great Egrets in the state. Certainly rare out here! Good work and thanks Jim!
great egret and friend photo by Jim Clayter |
His cove on the pond is very “heron friendly” as he has sent in photos of Little Blue, Green and others over the years…. The chart i have for Maine birds shows Great Egret as being “uncommon” for the state with fewer than 10 records of them breeding in Maine (before 1996). Granted the chart I have is from 1996, but it still gives a feel for the uncommonness of Great Egrets in the state. Certainly rare out here! Good work and thanks Jim!
beautiful photo by Jim Clayter |
Poor Farm Road –
our man on the road reports a Red-eyed
Vireo nest with eggs laid on July 10th (or so). The young
hatched right on schedule, but unfortunately were greeted immediately with a
rainy day or two and the nest failed soon after. Northern Flickers
(Yellowhammers – state bird of Alabama) were successful in the same area, with
young heard to be begging from a big-tooth aspen that has been used by Flickers
in the past.
skin hill baby cardinal photo by Sally |
Skin Hill Sally – folks who have Cardinals in their yards tend to like them – never heard anyone say “damn cardinals - always adding red to nice green shrubs!” or anything like that. And nothing makes a yardowner (or yardrenter) happier than seeing a baby cardinal hopping around, getting some grub. Well, maybe getting a picture or two is the cherry on the tip of the cardinal’s crest.
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protective father! photo by Sally |
And now for some more Banner Moffat shots – largely I assume
from the Crockett Cove area…
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beautiful male parula photo by Banner Moffat |
Peter Drury has
sent in a report from the Captain’s Log
(sounds official) on the ferry – July 16th-22nd -
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stunned from and interaction with a window photo by Banner Moffat |
7/19 Bonaparte Gull in breeding plumage, Rockland Harbor.
Same day 9 Canada geese on Green Island all afternoon. 2 Adult 7 Juvenile ?
7/20 Gannets! Several adults and many young. 15 to 20 birds. In the bay and near inner bay ledges. Didn't see them any other day…Also a Juvenile Bonaparte Gull.
We saw lots of Porpoises. One in the Reach by the spindle on Strawberry Island.
7/20 Gannets! Several adults and many young. 15 to 20 birds. In the bay and near inner bay ledges. Didn't see them any other day…Also a Juvenile Bonaparte Gull.
We saw lots of Porpoises. One in the Reach by the spindle on Strawberry Island.
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Carrion Beetle - often found in poop! photo by Banner Moffat |
Few notes on Peter’s thang (his report that is) – The Canada Geese on Green Island are rumored to maybe/probably be the family group from the Basin (see earlier VSR from the summer). Bob Delsandro backs Pete on the “plenty of Harbor Porpoise” statment.
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very excited tropicbird photo by John Drury |
First the Tropicbird….We all know the history here, first appearing in the Gulf of Maine in the summer of 2005, our “local” Tropicbird has returned to the gulf each summer since and for the last 7 or 8 of those years it has called Seal Island (part of Vinalhaven) its home. Seal is home to the point that the bird has set up a lair that it uses each year (same spot). People have come from some distances to see this bird and when it’s there it doesn’t disappoint.
Unless this bird somehow nests in the
winter in Bermuda or the Bahamas (closest breeding colonies) and then returns
to Maine each summer, it’s been figured that this guy’s genes probably are not
being passed on any time soon. Arguably not the worst thing (or surprising at all) as
he’s set up turf on an island 1000s of miles (or at least a lot of miles) from
any other of its kind. Earlier in his career the bird was observed courting Arctic
Terns – “close enough” as they say – unsuccessfully as would be expected –
terns are just not into that.
Knowing this you are probably wondering – what if I was to take a
fake one (a decoy if you will) and chuck it into the water near Seal Island?
Would this Tropicbird even look at it? Captain John found himself in this exact
situation, decoy in hand and the decoy maker on the boat. It was destiny that
John would (most definitely) be the first (and currently) only guy to ever toss
a fake Tropicbird into the Gulf of Maine and actually have a
live one come close to check it out. Exciting moments captured…
sucker! she's not that into you! photo by john drury |
pucker up! photo by John Drury |
she just kind of floated there photo by John drury |
Whether or not the bird was disappointed by non-responsive actions of the fake one - (she didn’t kiss back at all!) – is hard to tell. Word is though that the bird recognizes John’s boat even more so now, and (seems to) be coming closer to the boat since the decoy session. Looking for that lady with the really hard tail feather? This dude’s got some serious issues.
doomed? photo by John Drury |
Note the eagle about to fly over them. They (them eagles) are the reason for the drop in Great Cormorant nest success.
This leaves about two islands (if I am not mistaken) that still have active Great Cormorant nests along the entire coast of Maine – Seal Island and Brimstone Island (the one on the other side of Marshall). Won’t take too many more years like this before there are no more Great Cormorant nests at all around here.
What that means for your weekend after this…
freaky looking critter photo by Erin Creelman |
Caterpillar’s out of the bag - Erin Creelman has sent in a shot of a crazy caterpillar with 4 spikes coming out of it. Efforts to find its identification – SO WE CAN LABEL IT! – have been unfocussed and scatterbrain-like. But it’s so cool looking - even if we CAN’T EVER LABEL IT! … Erin notes more Polyphemus Moths in her area as well.
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Lugworm coiled fecal pellet photo by Banner Moffat |
And we end with more Banner Moffat shots, including a few from one of the bird walks where people are dry and smiling. As opposed to this morning’s walk where folks were smiling and soaked.
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nemesis photo by Banner Moffat |
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bunch of shags photo by Banner Moffat |
they'll be another VSR shortly. Thanks for coming 'round.
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buck photo by Banner Moffat |