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Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – November 15th,
Brought to you by the kind folks over at the VLT and the MCHT
“Round here we just call them otters” – anonymous (well, i know who said it)
Hurricane Island and the Whites from the ferry photo by Banner Moffett |
Highlights –Otters!, Bald
Eagles, Ducks & Sea Birds including Red-throated Loon and Parasitic Jaeger,
Ipswich Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Horned Lark, Snow Bunting, Stragglers-
Butterflies, Herps, and Shorebirds; migrators,
finches, Purple Sandpipers and of course Fungus and other stuff…
PSA – Hey – its
hunting season and it also happens to be one of 12 most beautiful months to be
in the woods. So Wear orange & Be
aware. But more important wear
Don't forget the Tiit trick - click on any photo and they magically become larger than life, or at the very least they will fill up your computer screen. take a closer look. it won't hurt you.
Don't forget the Tiit trick - click on any photo and they magically become larger than life, or at the very least they will fill up your computer screen. take a closer look. it won't hurt you.
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there are no winter moths in this picture this is the basin |
Winter moth update
–word on the street is that some folk are seeing some moths around and getting
excited. Word from state entomologist
Charlene Donahue is “take it easy”
(not her exact words, but pretty much sums up her message). Apparently it has
not gotten cold enough for the Winter Moth to take to the air just yet. And
when they do it will most likely be in numbers, as in lots and lots of them. Many small moths look like winter moth, so try not to freak yourself out if
you see a moth or two that looks like the picture on the posters around town –
which are lovely posters for sure. Anyway, with temperatures being what they are, the Winter Moth flight might be delayed even into December. We'll keep ya posted as developments develop. or as the situation's evolution evolves. or something like that.
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orange jelly is an important fungus in our woods |
Welcome (back) to the
VSR– a big and hardy welcome to any new
(any all historic) readers of the
VSR. We here at VSR headquarters welcome and appreciate any photos, reports, and new email addresses (to add to our email list)
that you all have to share. And while we welcome all correspondence from
all sorts of views and perspectives, we do appreciate stuff being sent to our
new email – vinalhavensightings@gmail.com
– if you can remember to do so. And a big thanks to those who’ve sent in photos
and sightings to share for this report! That’s why we do the VSR!
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three otters swimming photo by Ali McCarthy |
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spy-hopping otter photo by Ali McCarthy |
Anyway, Ali spotted three Otters “across the pond” at about
6am (11/4) swimming and frolicking
in the same locations she has seen them all summer. (all summer!?!). Ali got
some great shots of them swimming
and a VSR favorite is the otter
“spy-hopping” or spy-sniffing along the shoreline.
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American Robin photo by Sally |
Migratorials – American Robin – our favorite Turdus – appeared in numbers for a few days early in the month, with hundreds being seen and reported (or at least seen) around the island. While Robins haven’t been pushed out by any means, it feels like the days of big numbers are behind us, and soon the token random Robin will most likely remind folks of spring and maybe Wisconsin as it is the state bird (hats off for our Wisconsin reader(s) – I have never met a Wisconsiner that I haven’t liked). Skin hill Sally got this wonderful photo of a Robin that was macking on berries in her yard. (She had a flock of them that day). Her photo really highlights the intricate and delicate beauty that is an “American Robin”, a close look that often gets overlooked as “just another robin” or JAR. Anyway, we love ‘em! …. and speaking of Robins, Terry Goodhue reports a leucistic robin on North Haven, earlier in the period. “About ¾ white” was the description of the bird. Terry reported it figuring it might be seen When asked Terry couldn’t come up with a location or how long it had been seen
nice woodcock! photo by Banner Moffett |
Straggler Shorebirds
– (11/8) Pleasant River – Greater Yellowlegs and Black-bellied Plover…Crockett
Cove – Banner Moffett got this
wonderful photo of a Woodcock in
late October. Woodcock are certainly still around these
days, but have a subtle presence and for the most part go unobserved.
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pretty drippy, this moist conk just the way you like 'em |
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saw-whet owl pellets and saw-whet owl poop |
A trip to Northern
Haven – (11/6) – keeping with the theme – Pine Grosbeak and White-winged Crossbill, Common grackles. American Goldfinch,
American Robin, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-winged Blackbirds, Butterbutts, Old-tailed
Duck, Song Sparrow. Red Admiral butterfly as well (last of the season?). And a
few Saw-whet Owl Pellets.
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pellet instructions |
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this mouse is dead but we love it anyway |
Fungus – “Warm and a
little moist” are conditions that provide a cozy environment for a very
important kingdom – Fungus. And these conditions also make for a productive
November, fungally speaking of
course. So far this November we’ve seen
a flew blooms and fluoresces (not sure of this word) but it remains to be seen how long into winter these fungus will go on! eternal? you bet ya!
Basin – (11/1) – False Chantrelle, Old friend
Jelly Tooth.
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you mockin' me? |
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we love seeing mock oysters |
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a view of Sweet Tooth undercarriage |
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sweet tooth from above with waiting daddy long legs |
More from Huber (or
“the hubes” as we call is around my
house)…(11/10) – Sweet tooth – now here’s
a treat, a toothed fungus that I have seen many times on the mainland, but I believe
this to be the first on Vinalhaven for me.
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this photo does not capture much of the essence of the chage tree. not at all really |
Mostly lists below
– lots of stuff to see on the water these days, here are some lists with
marginal discussions for the next stretch of VSR
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this is seal bay or at least part of it |
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state beach is a favorite in novemeber and the other months |
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hi. i am an ipswich sparrow and i spend my summers on sable islan |
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ipswich sparrow at state beach |
Lane’s (11/15) –
Northern Flicker, 2 White-winged Scoter, 6 Bufflehead Song Sparrow,
White-throated Sparrow, Butter butt, 80+ Purple Sandpipers, 4 Great Cormorants,
4 Old-tailed ducks
Basin, and walk
to/fro the Basin – (11/5) – 6 Hooded Mergansers (Old Harbor Pond), 7
Bufflehead, 10 Black Guillemot, 1 Common Loon, Harbor Seal, Pine Grosbeak,
Sharp-shinned Hawk, White-winged Crossbill, Blue Jays, Bald Eagle, Saw-whet Owl
pellets and Kingfisher pellets,
Fox Rocks – (11/4)
Bald Eagle, Pine Siskin, Eastern Towhee (pair), Raven, Garter Snake (straggler
herp!), Lots o’ Robins, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Black-capped chickadee
And then there was

and In his new pirate
ship? (thanks to the Meskos, but when leif talks about it Stevie is the only
one who gets credit – sorry Mike)
And as Darth. His Arthur toy has become the emperor (upgrade for arthur i'd say), even though Leif doesn’t really know who either of the characters are. We take many trips to “the dark side” which is about a 5 by 10 area of his playroom.
hey - be safe and we'll see you out there.