Winter Moth Action
Update – November 23rd, 2012
Not a VSR, but still Brought to you by the VLT and MCHT
They’re here!!!!!!
(remember that dumb
movie “poltergeist”? you know, the one with the cute little girl who gets
sucked into a TV by angry spirits. I’m sure you’re glad I brought that up).
still life of winter moths in tanglefoot photo by Pam Johnson |
Anyway, now is the time apparently.
Possibly triggered by the cold spell earlier in the week, possibly just doing
what horny insects do, our local Winter
Moths are on the prowl - rising up from the ground like evil spirits that
are pissed that a housing development was put on their graves. (perfect thought
to end a paragraph with)
And so they have already eaten (way back in May) and now sex
is on their minds, or on their pheromone receptors. Once they hook up (probably a ton of this kind of “action” has been
going on the last few nights in town) the
females are gearing to lay some eggs and die. The males of course have provided (sexually) what they provide
(kinda gross, kinda gooey) and are officially
dead or dying. Do winter moths go to Nirvana? Doubt it, but it does smell
like teen spirit.
The adult winter moth was first reported by (the lovely) Amy
palmer and her “vital signs” club at the middle school. Here’s a link to their
posting on Winter Moths, and subsequent confirmation of species by state entomologist Charlene Donahue…
closer look - not a pretty sight photo by Pam Johnson |
A note or two on those flightless
females- vocabulary
Look close at the
photos – you’ll see male moths with
wings (show offs) and females moths
without wings (“who needs ‘em anyway”). Alright, the females aren’t truly wingless;
instead they have little stubby wings
that are completely useless for flying, which is traditionally what wings
are used for (or for making crappy music back in the 1970s).
nice wings photo by Pam Johnson |
The female wings are referred to as “vestigial” which means “occurring or persisting as a
rudimentary or degenerate structure” (thank you free online dictionary). What this means is that somewhere
back in time an ancestor that eventually
evolved into Winter Moths (and likely other moth species) had wings that did the flying thing,
but for whatever survival reason they survived in greater by going flightless (or
at least by having the females go flightless). Could be a reproductive strategy
- it’s easier to find those females when they can’t fly and females can be
assured to lay eggs on the right kind of – but why is really not important
right now. Anyway, over time more of the
moths stopped flying, reproduced and survived successfully (as opposed to
surviving unsuccessfully), so the genes
for vestigial wings were passed on and the wings on the females got smaller and smaller. (They would/will
likely eventually disappear unless they are still being used for another reason
– like giving the males something to hold onto during mating (this is a made up
example but gives you a feel of where my brain is)). This vestigial wing strategy has obviously worked for the winter moth,
and is a reason (one among many) why
they have been so successful as a species. It is also the reason why the tanglefoot bands work, cuz if the females could
fly (and thusly we couldn’t catch’ em) we would be screwed – royally if not
![]() |
vestigial's finest photo by Pam Johnson |
It should
be noted that “vestigialness” (made
up word) in the natural world is a common example of evolution. Whales have those vestigial legs from
when their ancestors walked, snakes have
those pelvic bones from back in the day and some people have vestigial brains from when they could think (for
some it was many ancestors ago). Anyway, the point here is without vestigial evolution
the bands wouldn’t work. So thank god for evolution (I’ve always wanted to
write that), or else there’d be egg laying all over the place.
What to do, what to do…(part 2) if you don’t have bands but neighbors do, or you feel you might
be in a vulnerable location. Take a peek at your neighbors bands, if they are loaded with moths, well, you
probably have them too, or will get them soon – like next May when the
caterpillars are everywhere. Take a look underneath your hardwoods (trees that
is), if you see moth carcasses take a closer look for the females with no
wings. If you are concerned – it may not be too late to band and catch at least
some of the winter moths in your yard – check the contacts and numbers below. Each female winter moth can lay up to 150
eggs on your tree, so catching even a few of them can cut down the egg potential by like a gagillion (my math may be a
little off here, but you get the point). If
you see a lot of carcasses under your trees you may want to get in touch with some of the folk about when
and how to get your tree oiled to suffocate the winter moth eggs already laid.
Those numbers again are
Ethan Hall (207) 390 – 0119
or James Rigsby (207) 975 - 6491
You can also contact Marjorie Stratton at the town office
with sightings or questions.
sure if they both Ethan and James have applicator licenses, but they would be
the ones to ask about that.
You can almost smell the squished females now photo by Pam Johnson |
What to do, what to do (part 3)…you go and see female moths climbing up trees that aren’t banded.
Pam Johnson mentioned finding some females climbing unbanded trees in her yard.
She examined them closely, and then took action. Straight from the email of Pam
Johnson – “They (the females) are
loaded with green eggs and there is a distinct odor when you squish them...not
to mention the great pleasure in doing so!” that smell might be the teen
spirit mentioned above, and that pleasure of squishing moths – priceless. Pam didn't mention is there was a popping sound with said squishing
And in conclusion, that’s where we are at. The adults are
here and so it’s time to see how your bands are performing. A big thanks goes out to Pam Johnson for sending in the photos
of her (and Ed’s) bands. And for the quote about squishing, we just don’t get enough
of those.
We will update as things are needed to be updated. Regular VSR on the 1st or so. Remain vigilant!