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woolly bear migration has been significant for several weeks now the one pictured about is not actively migrating |
Welcome to the vinalhaven sightings report – October 9th,
Thanks to you, VLT & MCHT!
sightings (of the otters) aren't often
(maybe 1-2 times per week)
And when I do see them,
they only stay around for 10 minutes max” - Ali McCarthy
“I would gladly trade chanterelles
for 10 minutes a week with otters.
Twice a week would
be outrageous!”
– Kirk gentalen
unreal greater sherwater with reflection photo by John Drury |
Highlights – photos
sent in! – Caterpillars, otters, sea birds, and songbirds. – migration – flicker, sapsuckers and wooly
bear, Raptors, White-breasted nuthatch and other songbirds, Caspian Tern, otters,
wood duck, fungus, and a slime joins the “8 ft. high” club!
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Great Blue photo by Karen Oakes |
Disclaimer – this particular
VSR was not proofread and edited as much as other VSRs, we acknowledge that up
“When you go in with the lowest of expectations
You are always satisfied”
– Old Jersey saying.
Thanks – for all the great contributions sent in recently. There is so much on this here island and there are plenty of eyes for the seeing. And Cameras for the capturing of moments. If you have something you want to share – a photo, a list, a particular view- send your thing to sightings@myfairpoint.net. It’s not checked often, but often enough.
assume position! all photos in this section, until noted by Sylvia Reiss Thanks sylvia! |
Monarchs of all ages….Sylvia Reiss up there round City Point way sent in some marvelous
monarch caterpillar photos for the last
VSR, and the tale of Monarch metamorphosis thru pictures continues! When we
last left off the Monarch caterpillars
were getting awfully plump and ready for a change in looks. What better than to
last caterpillar skin |
Yep, these frisky
caterpillars made the big change in form to chrysalises, chrysalisi? You know what I mean! Whatever, them there
beautiful cocoon are so special they get their very own different name! Wonderful.
chrysalis are so beautiful |
no slackin'. progress! |
Now, it takes a few weeks or so (little under sometimes) and
you (Sylvia) get to see that the
critter is not merely sittin’ around in that
chrysalis of a house; the dude is actively changing the whole time- putting
the morph back in metamorphis! Look at the shot Sylvia got of the monarch in
the chrysalis, but obviously close to busting out.
Then the break thru, time to expand and dry its wings, get
the blood pumping thru the veins, and a big stretch or two and then it’s “hit
the road jack”!
its a boy! note the bulbouse noides on the veins closest to the abdomen |
extremely active otter rub photo by Ali McCarthy |
we present to you a sentimental section of the VSR we call “otters in the pond”. That would be beautiful Carver’s Pond right here in downtown Vinalhaven. Otters have been seen on the pond over the years by Brud Carver, Pete Gasperini, and Carlene Michaels (right at the bridge) where the pond provides the water (let’s say half) that gives the Tidewater Motel (nice place to rent a van) it’s name.
River Otter family on the banks of Carver's Pond -photo by Ali McCarthy |
Well, Ali McCarthy has been seeing (and photographing) River Otters from her house and property on the north shore since July and is kind enough to share these photos. Ali has photos of River Otters in at least different spots, one of a group – presumed family
Happenings, “as we
speak” so to speak- Migration is fully forcing its way thru the mid coast
(and the universe and beyond).
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sally's white-breasted nuthatch photo by sally |
n flight- Northern
Flickers still fill the island roadsides. Look for a pretty good sized bird
(robin sized) that’s got “a rump full of white” (white patch on the topside
“butt”) as they bail on their roadside ant scene (flickers eat tons of ants-
woodpeckers on the road)…Savannah
Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrows, and Dark-eyed Junco are starting to line
roadsides – look for more before there are less of these roadside markers –
more than a month’s worth still to come…Belted Kingfisher and Great Blue Heron
sightings are pretty
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siskins photo by sally |
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chestnut-sided warbler from the spring photo by Karen Oakes |
Pleasant River – (9/12)
Liz and Steve Jones found themselves a nice flock by the chapel. Here some of
the highlights - Black-throated
Green Warbler, Yellow
Warbler, Yellow-rumped
Warbler, Magnolia
Warbler, Parula, Redstart, Yellowthroat,
Blue-headed Vireo, Scarlet
Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted
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Ruby-throated Hummingbird! photo by Karen Oakes |
State Beach- (9/29) 10
Red-necked Grebe, 3 Common Loon, Savannah and Song Sparrow
Huber Preserve-
(9/29) Blue-headed Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 7 Surf Scoter,
2 Ring-billed Gull, Great Blue Heron
Birds and Fungus, a
conglomerate of the ages– some simple lists of the days…
Huber Preserve – (9/29)
– Orange Jelly, Birch Polypore, Flat-maze Polypore, Red-belted Conk (RBC),
Coral Mushroom, Fading Scarlet Waxy Caps, Honey Mushrooms, Turkey Tail, Emetic
Russula, False Turkey Tail, Citron Amanita, Luminescent Panellus, Red-yellow
Gilled Polypore, False Chanterelles, Violet-toothed Polypore (VTP), Conifer
VTP, Warty Amanita…That’s about all I can read of my handwriting
Basin trails – (10/1)
–Wolf’s milk slime, jelly tooth, orange jelly, Yellow-bellied sapsuckers, Honey
Mushrooms, False Chanterelles, Yellow-footed Chanterelles, Saffron
Cort, Grisette, Tawny Grisette, Turkey Tail, Gypsies, RBC, Yellow Patches, Warty Amanita, Viscid Cort, White Cheese
Polypore, VTP, 18 Harbor Seal, Rosy
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honeys in all stages are beautiful |
Time for Honeys...a fall tradition, the Honey Mushroom - ARMILLARIELLA MELLEA GROUP - a cool conglomerate of species so incredibily closely related they are "grouped" together as one. somewhat of an admission that the sicne they all glow and are all delicious. or edible...Significance? Huge- first off, genus species with three sets of double "L"s are rarely noted, but undoubtedly are. Here's what David Arora has to say about them..
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young honeys |
"There is very little that can or cannot be said about the Honey Mushroom. Also known as ....., it is among the most variable and cosmopolitan of the the fleshy fungi, and in its innumerable guises will you time and time again!". Mushrooms Demystified - page 196.
Many mature Honeys look like these.
and then there was time for the king... the king bolete that is ![]() |
the common ground fair was productive... |
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....and tasty... |
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them there Kings cook down nice. |
thanks for stopping by...