Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report –
July 6th, 2012
Big thanks to MCHT and VLT
Delays Happen! - we have been experiencing computer difficulties which have led to tartiness in the posting of the VSR.
delays will most likely will happen again.
Business: Get on the list!!...to receive a friendly reminder whenever the VSR is posted – usually early and mid month. Contact Kirk at sightings@myfairpoint.net and demand to be put on the list! It’s not exclusive and you don’t have to like us to get on it. Also a good place to send sightings, photos, and correspondence you might want to share. Helps with organization, not one of our strong points here at the VSR….

and a hats off and thanks to Fred Gralenski for noting Neoteny was misspelled in the last VSR. there are often a few dozen spelling/grammatical errors in each VSR, (its the Quaker in me - nobody's perfect) - and i truly appreciate it when they are mentioned, as i often don't pay attention to spelling and would like to have words spelled correctly. or at least most of them.
Public Service announcement – from the mouth of the Penelosa….”Nice population of insectivorous sundews (Drosera rotundifolia) in a roadside ditch (Calderwood Neck Rd, near the Boy Scout Point Rd). Usually we have to venture into a wetland to see these, so the roadside population is a treat. Actually our roadside wetlands are pretty rich and worth a look: several species of peatmoss, sedges, rushes, twin flower, etc.”
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ditchy sundews photo by Javier Penelosa |
Take it from Javier and "get down in a ditch with your bad self", so to speak and look at the peat moss. Do it. its better than looking at where you are going..
Upcoming Events: Summer Wednesday bird walks – Wednesday July 11th and 18th – 8am-11am, meet at skoog park. Led by Kirk Gentalen. We’ll be going to wherever the birds are. note- the Wednesday bird walks will be on Wednesdays. not mondays, those would be monday morning bird walks. i'm not aware of any structured bird walks being offered on mondays with me leading. anyway, see you Wednesday!

Elderbirds- if you are someone (or know someone) who wants to join in the birdwatching fun but might be looking for some level ground (as if birdwatching wasn’t slow enough) then have them get in touch with me at kgentalen@mcht.org or 2228. We've got a lively bunch interested in going, with plenty of room for more. this months walks will be Tuesdays July 10th and July 17th. please contact me for more information...
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red- billed tropicbird photo by john drury |
Also seen on trips – Manx Shearwaters, Gannets, and Puffins, Razorbill, Terns, Parasitic Jaegers, and more. "I have seen other totally unbelievable things but i can't remember what "- direct quote from the Captain.
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lesser black-backed gull photo by John drury |
Lesser Black-backed Gulls are considered rare in the state of Maine fall-spring, and as far as Pierson (squared) & Vickery goes are not found in the state June-august. Looking at the photo, this is clearly identified as a Lesser BBGreater Black-backed Gulls. Anyway, kudos to Skip for spotting and identifying the LBB and relaying its presence to john who got this wonderful picture of it. This is only the second Lesser BB Gull reported to the VSR over the years – first in 4 years. Rare bird indeed. …
Lesser Black-backed Gulls are considered rare in the state of Maine fall-spring, and as far as Pierson (squared) & Vickery goes are not found in the state June-august. Looking at the photo, this is clearly identified as a Lesser BBGreater Black-backed Gulls. Anyway, kudos to Skip for spotting and identifying the LBB and relaying its presence to john who got this wonderful picture of it. This is only the second Lesser BB Gull reported to the VSR over the years – first in 4 years. Rare bird indeed. …
…And as a bonus John spotted this albino Great Black-backed Gull on Little Brimstone last week. It’s been around and continues to be spotted nestling in with other Black-backeds.
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young cardinal photo by sally |
Sally from up on the hill had a family of Northern Cardinals – 3 fledglings!- visiting her feeders recently (6/18-25th at least). Sally noted “the Daddy seems to check things out first for a few then the little one shows up”. Sally got some nice shots of the youngster and the dad - in the process feeding his progeny. we also lamented in the store about photos that got away, with the camera snapping moments before or after the male cardinal fed the offspring. got some nice shots sally! No recent word of their status, most likely on their own by now.
Eider ducklings! - lane's, state beach, all around the island. here's an action video of some diving...
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young merlin ventures out of nest |
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shy maiden |
anyway, to make a long story short (too late!) i ended up finding an impossible Merlin nest with 3 young in it, and checked with Bill and this was not what he had seen. On subsequent visits found some Shy Maidens (80+ in one patch) and some Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain. So even though i never did see whatever bill saw, I can't thank him enough for putting me in the right place to for discovery, i certainly wouldn't have been there without him. Here's a video with 2 heads showing and the third youngster moving around to the right.
Around the island - Lane's - Common Nighthawk and tons of Fireflies seen around the preserve....Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow heard from the Basin Bridge and in the Ballground in town .... Broad-winged Hawks - Poor Farm, Carrying Place, Pleasant River, Zion farm road -...
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leif proudly holding Tapioca Slime moments after i told him it probably wouldn't come up in one piece. |
and here's to here's a montage of beauty that can only be described as....."mold"
chocolate tube slime forest - the basin

coral slime sanctuary - the basin
wolf's milk slime - the basin

and of course - scrambled egg slime- basin
i really liked that part of the goo slid off the log.
wonder what kind of sound it made when it landed
and here's leify again starring in a slime mold video...
yes, its gooey.
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bailey enjoys the ring-necked snake |
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big thanks to Nana for spending time with us |
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tough guy |
this little garter snake was super feisty, but not until i put him down. calm in the hand, didn't even musk me, but lunged at us a few times after words.
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dead man's fingers |
anyway, that's enough.
see you out there.....