Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – June 2nd, 2012
Brought to you in part by the good folks over at VLT & MCHT
Highlights – Bat(s), Cecropia Moths, Warblers including Mourning and Canada, Canada Geese, Slime Mold, Seals, Dying (and then dead) Gannet, kid stuff, butterflies, snake (finally!), Coyote stuff..
psa - go to huber and check out the lady slippers.
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he likes osprey and lists |
Cliches & Clicks - my dad wants folks to know that if you click on any photos in the VSR, no matter what size they are, and they will magically fill up your screen and are easy to navigate thru. all with a simple click! Thanks dad, i hadn't realized such technology exists.
Business – Trail closure in the Basin – Williams/wharf quarry road section – Temporary. Signs will go up soon, but just to give folks a heads up., the Osprey pair that has used a nest on an island in the middle of the Basin (so nice, so isolated) the last several years has abandoned the island and taken up residence in one of the closest trees to “otter point”. Otter point is a popular swimming spot located north of the old lobster pound dam and in clear view of the O’neill house. Otter point is achieved by taking a short off-shoot, not necessarily maintained trail and is a popular swimming spot. To limit our impact on this nesting pair and their potential offspring we are asking that folks don’t go to the point until further notice. We will continue to monitor the nest and get word out when either their young fledge or if the nest fails – naturally please. Thanks for being nice! and thanks to Danny Ames for the tip!
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this is a totally cool photo photo by Colleen Conlan |
This photo is very cool for so many reasons.
First off, it’s a bat. Sure you can see ‘em flying around every so often, but when if ever do you get to take pictures of one in good light in your yard.
Secondly – this guy doesn’t appear to have the “white nose syndrome” , (or “WNS”) that is effecting many colonies of bats in north east North America. The “white nose” on bats was first found in 2006, is caused by a fungus and can be clearly seen on infected individuals as a white circle around the nose and nostrils of said bat. (Not to be confused with the “white nose syndrome” from the 70s (and specifically studio 54) that resulted in people dancing for hours to some of the worst music of all time. And some of my favorite music). Anyway, it is a good thing that we don’t see white on the nose in this photo, that would signify death to it and others he/she infects/is infected with The fungus affects overwintering bat species, inducing behavior that jeopardizes hibernation. – like waking up and flying around when its still cold and they should be sleeping. About a year ago , the Bangor daily news had this article on the potential effects of the syndrome in Maine as the first cases in the state were being reported.
There are passages like this in the article:
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we saw no bats that everning |
“WNS is not harmful to humans but federal officials said they believe it can be spread from place to place by humans who climb in caves. The federal government in 2009 advised cavers to curtail their activities and pay particular attention to decontamination procedures in order to quell the spread of the disease, according to a DIF&W press release.”
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i like slugs |
…and 3rdly, it got me looking in a part of the
Mammals field guide that I hardly, if ever go to use. i love field guides but I have certainly never used a field guide to identify a bat before, and I’, still not sure on this one. But still, the ears look big and with that it looks to be the Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalisth addition Fiona Reid!. This is probably a match with what is called a Northern Long-eared Myotis in the BDN article linked above.
Huge thanks to Colleen for sharing and Niall for spotting. Great shot!
what you can do to help - stop spelunking!
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skin hill blossom and waxwing photo by sally |
Cedar waxwings –
they are here,
they are beautiful,
Out of nowhere,
Deal with it
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skin hill waxwings enjoying blossom treats from japan |
Sofia story – (5/19) from bob: “…bearing of fruit on our apple trees comes not only a beautiful display of blossoms but, the even more beautiful display of Cedar Waxy's! Yes, they returned yesterday for a brief evening feeding. Spotted no less by Sofia from the dinner table. "Hey look, there's a baby (everything is a baby compared to her now) chickadee in the tree and some other ones right there." (We had a harder time getting her to finish diner after that). Bob reports that the waxwings remain on skin hill in good numbers. Beautiful neighborhood bird…

Anyway, either way, or always – waxwings are a “plump” splash added to our already spectacular array of summer colors. Stock photo from Lane’s used for reference…the 3 year olds are checking them out – are you? (Thanks bob)

Apparently the female (larger and on top! You go girl!) broke thru her cozy, winter time cocoon the day before (5/28) to the delight of Bill. When he went back out the next morning he was impressed that she had found a mate so quickly.
“Pheromones must've been flying
as her wings they were a drying and this first one out of all the horny little males
was quick to heed her smells”.
(5/29) Windy and tricky to get photos even partially in focus, we bagged a few of the cute and happy couple (totally “anthropomorphosizing” – real word?)) making sure not to block another guy, not after the spring peeper incident in the last VSR. Mitch once told me “we guys have to stick together” – Mitch wasn’t really being all that cool at the time.
The female was still clutching to her cocoon when she found her dude. here's what Arthur Evans has to say about Giant Silk Moth cocoons - "Giant Silk Moths spend the bulk of their lives as pupae inside a silk cocoon. the cocoon protects this vulnerable stage of life form from predators, parasites, and inclement weather. Therefore, the caterpillars devote a considerable amount of time and energy toward locating a suitable site and constructing a cocoon."
Anyway, the open wing shot shows the moth’s fuzzy antennae. So many antennae were probably tingling the night before, all over the island and beyond. The mating shot shows the leftover cocoon that the female erupted from hours before mating. They grow up so fast.
here's from wikipedia- "...The Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia) is North America's largest native moth. It is a member of the Saturniidae family, or giant silk moths. Females with a wingspan of 160 mm or more have been documented. "
and "...Pests of the moths have become a huge problem. Parasitoids such as some species of wasps and flies lay their eggs in or on the young caterpillars. The eggs then hatch into larvae, which consume the insides of the caterpillars. The parasitoid releases chemicals which take control of the regulatory mechanisms of the caterpillar. Once the parasitoid has grown enough, it induces the caterpillar to pupate. Once the caterpillars pupate, the larvae themselves pupate, killing the cecropia pupa. Squirrels have also been known to consume the pupae of cecropia moths, decreasing the population greatly. Pruning of trees and leaving outdoor lights on at night can also be detrimental to the cecropia moths."
anyway, they are big, and they were hanging and mating around. rumor has it that the adults don't have mouth parts, they are adults for one purpose only. and bill was nice enough to call and let me check out the
The female was still clutching to her cocoon when she found her dude. here's what Arthur Evans has to say about Giant Silk Moth cocoons - "Giant Silk Moths spend the bulk of their lives as pupae inside a silk cocoon. the cocoon protects this vulnerable stage of life form from predators, parasites, and inclement weather. Therefore, the caterpillars devote a considerable amount of time and energy toward locating a suitable site and constructing a cocoon."
Anyway, the open wing shot shows the moth’s fuzzy antennae. So many antennae were probably tingling the night before, all over the island and beyond. The mating shot shows the leftover cocoon that the female erupted from hours before mating. They grow up so fast.
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wolf's milk slime first of the year. |
here's from wikipedia- "...The Cecropia Moth (Hyalophora cecropia) is North America's largest native moth. It is a member of the Saturniidae family, or giant silk moths. Females with a wingspan of 160 mm or more have been documented. "
and "...Pests of the moths have become a huge problem. Parasitoids such as some species of wasps and flies lay their eggs in or on the young caterpillars. The eggs then hatch into larvae, which consume the insides of the caterpillars. The parasitoid releases chemicals which take control of the regulatory mechanisms of the caterpillar. Once the parasitoid has grown enough, it induces the caterpillar to pupate. Once the caterpillars pupate, the larvae themselves pupate, killing the cecropia pupa. Squirrels have also been known to consume the pupae of cecropia moths, decreasing the population greatly. Pruning of trees and leaving outdoor lights on at night can also be detrimental to the cecropia moths."
anyway, they are big, and they were hanging and mating around. rumor has it that the adults don't have mouth parts, they are adults for one purpose only. and bill was nice enough to call and let me check out the
Bird deaths - A Northern Gannet washed up onto shore by the Lane's Island bridge about 10 days ago. word got out fast, as this beautiful bird is seldom seen so closely and in such detail.
late in the day and by the time i got there it was well on its way, content with lying her head on her back. she was found dead the next morning.
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picked clean photo by john drury |
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red-throated loon, looking mottled photo by john drury |
red-throated loon and black-crowned night heron taken from the fluke by John drury
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black-crowned night herons are very cool. photo by john drury |
Warblers – (Personally) I’ve been off island a bit over the last couple of weeks, but still have been able to bag some good warbler days. 12 and 13 species in an hour or so of observation were not uncommon around the 20th and sounds like last Saturday found many warblers socked in on the island. who's around- lots of Ovenbird, Black-throated Green, Yellow-rumped, Black and White, Parula, Magnolia, Yellow, Yellow-throat, Redstart, Chestnut-sided and Blackburnian at all the right places. Blackpoll and Nashville’s, and 2 Canada warblers were seen on Reach and Norton’s point road (5/26) by Patience Chamberlin. Canada Warblers also reported from Green's Island - john drury.
a bonus in my yard/cross the street was a Mourning Warbler that sang out in the open for two mornings. here;s what it sounded like as it burst out its tune.

we see these guys regularly, but seemingly even less that Bay-breasteds. always a pleasure to see, and a big thanks to this guy for being as convenient as it could be.
batter up |
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warm granite feels good on the tummy. |
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pond scooping with strangers is fun |
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water scorpions are cool pond critters |

also had another tidepool monitoring day. Good fun on a foggy morning. several lobster high up with claw regeneration, pregnant crab, and cool snails.
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had a room |
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not so tough |
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young seals are being seen around the island and from the ferry. |
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the flamingos in the basin were reportedly not dehydrated |
and then there are baby seal pups and flamingos in the basin.
several pairs of canada geese have been observed in the basin, old harbor pond, seal bay and calderwood island. no young have been reported...coyote has been heard from the basin, fresh tracks in puddles along trail.
and kayaking and fishing with leify and amy.