guy on the boat told me to not bother taking
pictures of this sunrise. that I should just look
at it and take a photo in my mind.
unprovoked advice.
I find people like that boring |
Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report – October 18th 2018
Brought to you in part by the support of VLT and MCHT – make sure you
support them!
“He doesn’t seem old” – Leif’s new buddies Oliver and Clifford talking
about me.
Highlights – Sparrows, Great Cormorant, Surf Scoters, Belted
Kingfisher, Shorebirds, Ferry rides, mushrooms, otter sign, and so much more
Business – contact us – we love the pictures, we
love the stories, and we love the sharing. Send in your comments, questions,
observations and photos to vinalhavensightings@gmail.com and become legendary. At least
legendary in a small circle of “friends”! come on – we dare you!
PSA – hunting
season is happening – wearing orange is a good idea! Firearm deer hunting
starts on the 27th – bow hunting already happeneing!
Great Cormorant drying its wings on the water
Photo by John Drury |
Sightings – John
Drury sent in this photo of a Great Cormorant drying its wings while
floating on the surface of the water! Cormorants of all flavors are famous for
not have preen oil, a substance that waterproofs feathers while also making a
bird more buoyant (diving is tougher).
killdeer in the parking area.
photo by Jamus Drury |
And how about one from Jamus Drury – Killdeer in the Greets parking lot.
green headed jelly babies
photo by Elaine Drury |
And sticking with the Drury’s –
Elaine sent in this cool photo of a group of Green-headed Jelly Babies (Leotia viscosa) out on Greens. Always a
treat to see these! Thanks for sharing!
northern gannet |
Ferry rides – (10/12) 7am to Vinalhaven -
7 Bald eagles, Northern Gannet, 30+ Common Loon, Laughing Gull, lines of Double-crested Cormorants
lots of loons these days |
(10/16) – Laughing Gull, Bald Eagles, Northern Gannet, Common Loon
white-crowned sparrow...on the rocks |
Lane’s Island – (10/12) –White-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow (singing),
Red-necked Grebe, Great Blue Heron, Golden-crowned Kinglet,
white-crowned sparrow |
yellow-rumped warbler - "butterbutt" |
crappy lighting yellow-rumped |
bayberry fruits. key to yellow-rumped
warblers overwintering |
jelly tooth |
Perry Creek – (10/12) Mushrooms – Citron Amanita, Yellow Patches, Amanita
muscaria, Ragged Amanita, Rufus Milky, Jelly Tooth, Orange Jelly, Russula
paludosa, Emetic Russula, Honey Mushroom, Lackluster Laccaria, Decorated Mop,
False Chanterelle, Red-belted Conk, Deer Mushroom, Conifer Tuft, Common Scaber
Stalk, Rusty gilled Poly[ore, White Leccinum, Coral Mushroom, Red-mouthed
Bolete, Sweet Tooth, Tawny Grissette, Slippery Jack, Painted Suillus, Bulbous
Cort, Violet Cort, Red-gilled Cort, Cinnamon Cort, Viscous violet Cort,
Cortinarius sp.
Jelly Tooth, "undercarriage" |
false chanterelle |
destroying angel |
orange jelly, or course |
chocolate milky |
Hypholoma capnoides - with a unidentified cort |
buttery collybia |
Hypholoma capnoides group |
red-belted conk |
gypsy mushroom |
gypsy mushroom |
lackluster laccaria |
Tricholoma sp. |
Family collybia |
odd texture for a Poisonous Pigskin
Puffball |
maze polypore dorsal view |
maze polypore ventral view |
reindeer lichen in the rain is soft |
sweet tooth dorsal |
sweet tooth ventral |
red-gilled corts |
Great to see all the corts out there!
been really digging the red-billed corts
red-gilled cort |
red-gilled corts |
violet cort |
red-gilled corts |
love the red gills! |
bulbous corts |
bulbous cort |
some type of violet cort |
same violet cort, check out that Cortina rusty colored
from the spores it caught/ |
spotted sandpiper |
Birds – Bald Eagle, Butterbutts, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Spotted
‘Sandpiper, Greater Yellowlegs, Belted Kingfisher
lots of herons passing through these days |
access to an otter den in the basin |
Basin – (10/13) – Great Blue Heron, harbor seals, Bald Eagle, Belted
Kingfisher, Black-capped Chickadee, Golden-crowned Kinglets.
Otter sign – visited two otter dens on the north side of the basin. Both looked
well used and wonderful.
laccaria, latrine, & (den) opening |
rosy russula |
Mushrooms – Citron Amanita, Dye-makers Polypore, Family Collybia, Emetic
Russula, Rosy Russula, Gypsy,
yellow-footed chanterells |
yellow-footed chanterelles |
Should be noted – lots of Belted Kingfisher these days. Just about
anywhere I see the water.
check out the slime on this one.
thinking its a Limacella |
love this slime. Limacella is the other genus of Amanita |
tawny grissette |
getting ready for the spring...skunk cabbage |
honey msuhrooms |
Here’s a column I wrote on honey mushrooms recently
This is one honey of a mushroom
In my humble, fungal experience the
two most frequently asked questions on mushroom explorations are “Will it kill
me?” and “Can I eat it?” And while the edibility and toxicity potential of a
mushroom adds an air of excitement to any harvesting experience, those
potentials just skim the surface of characteristics that “make mushrooms cool
and interesting”. There are plenty of things to think about when dealing with
mushrooms. How does it release its spores? Does the mushroom glow in the dark?
Does the fungus help, hurt or just turn trees into dirt? Does it have a veil?
Does it look like a “mushroom”? Is it found locally, regionally, circumpolarly,
or even globally? Can it clone itself or is it at the mercy of sexual reproduction?
You know - classic fungal questions. They can go on forever.
With so much to think about and so
many mushrooms out there things can be a little overwhelming to the newbie
mushroom watcher/fungus tracker. But what if I told you there was an easy to identify
(pretty much) mushroom that is, was, and continues to represent most everything
a mushroom watcher looks for in a ‘shroom. Sound unbelievable? Well, start
believing! And to make things even better – they call this honey of a mushroom
the Honey Mushroom! I know – you can’t make this stuff up!
To oversimplify - September is for
Boletes and Amanitas. Then, in early October members of the Cortinariaceae
(Corts) take over the spruce and fir forests with their purples, greys and
oranges. And just when the dust feels like its settling on the fall mushroom
bloom, there is an intense, thick burst at the base of trees, rising from
subterranean roots, and erupting through tree bark up to 25 feet or more off
the ground. Welcome to the world of Honey Mushrooms (Armilllaria mellea), let
the dance begin.
Typically fruiting in large clusters,
Honey Mushrooms are known for their decurrent gills (they “run” down the stalks
slightly and we love that) and (often) honey colored caps that are covered with
dark, scaly tufts. Their stalk/stipes are tough, with a “pithy” interior and a
bold white “veiled” ring. Their caps are edible, as are their “pithy” stalks
once the tough outer layer is removed. (Pithy stalks cooked in olive oil is
dreamy). And yet, honey mushrooms collected off spruce trunks and roots are
more likely to make one become sick when compared to eating honeys collected
off hardwoods. Yes, they are an edible mushroom that may make you sick! To make
things even cooler - Honey Mushrooms and the fungus itself within the log or
trunk glow in the dark, creating an eeirry green glow known as “foxfire”. These
mushrooms are “on” both day and night!

At times the honey mushrooms fungus
is saprotrophic – decomposing the heartwood of plants, turning the non-living
part of trunks and roots into soil. And
yet, when the decomposer lifestyle isn’t “cutting it”, Honey Mushrooms will
send out “hyphae” – thread-like filaments that make up a fungus – through the
soil in search of food. The thick, insulted groups of Honey Mushroom hyphae are
called “rhizomorphs”, and they attack and begin to digest trees and shrubs they
come into contact with. This can cause and spread the destructive “white rot”
throughout a patch of woods! They go from decomposer to parasite in order to
feed their insatiable appetite.
Adaptable and aggressive, the Honey Mushroom is a true survivalist.
As the fungus grows, it clones itself
and continues its “individual” life by enlarging in size and extending its
reach. In optimal conditions this results in grandiose specimens – as evidenced
by the Honey Mushroom fungus in Malheur National Forest, in eastern Oregon. One
honey mushroom mycelium – mat of fungal hyphae – in the forest has been
measured at 3.5 square miles, and estimated to be at least 2,400 years old –
the largest living “being” known to humans on the planet. Honey Mushrooms are
not only circumpolar in the northern hemisphere, but are recognized as one of
the most widely distributed mushrooms in the world as they can be found at the
appropriate latitudes in the southern hemisphere as well. This is why Gary Lincoff says - “With some
justification, Earth could be called the Honey Mushroom Planet”. Well put Gary.
river otter(s) tore up this mossy hillside to mark territory |
And just when it seems like this
fungus can’t get any more perfect, it turns out the “Honey Mushroom” is
actually at least ten different, but closely related and seemingly identical
species! For most intents and purposes they are the same species and impossible
to separate in the field. As our understanding and knowledge of fungus increases
through DNA and other tests there are many “past facts” that will be corrected
and will have to be relearned. There is
so much “unknown” or “wrongly understood” within our knowledge of fungus it can
be interesting to correctly identify a mushroom knowing in the back of your
mind there’s a fair chance that the resource you are using will turn out to be
wrong. For some reason I like this, the mystery of it fungus. “Weird” Al
Yankovic was right when he wrote “Everything you know is wrong”!
Honey mushrooms have it all, or at
least most of it all! And they are growing in a patch of woods near you! We’ll
see you out there!
limited edition pumpkin eggnog
photo by Linnell Mather |
and a limited edition photo sent in by Linnell Mather! we love the limited edition shots! send 'em in!
And we'll see you out there! great to see folks around town and in the woods!