Welcome to the Vinalhaven sightings report –
Early July 2017
Brought to you, in part, with the support of MCHT and
“I have never met a Carol that I didn’t like”
– Me
(the royal “Me”)
Highlights – alewives stuff, mushrooms including
King Boletes and Chantrelles, trip to Calderwood, flowers, dragonflies, 7 slime
mold species day, plugs for VLT Annual Meeting and “Vinalhaven by Boat” mixed
in – see if you can find them!
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july 6th bird walk - focused on the nelson's sharp-tailed sparrow |
Business: Thursday morning bird walks continue! – July
13th at 8am!
A Bunch of Thanks - Big thanks to Carol
Thompson for just being so awesome. Way to be consistently awesome, Carol!
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smooth green snakes fade to a bluish color when roadkill - or woods kill |
Contact us -
“Could have done without the scrat photo”
– yes, and I could have done without finding scrat so freshly crushed on the
street – start the “Ban cars! Not
photos!” chant now.
Seriously though – this is
the kind of comment we are looking for – so contact us at vinalhavensightings@gmail.com with sightings,
photos, and comments and critiques and recommendations that you’d like to share
with us.

And with time the standard Gentalen second response (should be
standard if it is not) to new ideas developed as I thought about it more and
started messing with “cropping” (least favorite verb at the moment)
photos and sure enough the detail and quality of my photos increased to an obnoxiously obvious level. (that is a good thing).
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sundews don't get their due in the VSR carnivorous plants! |
(Is this story really necessary? Or are we just filling up space so more
photos can be posted?)
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female blue dasher in full flight as opposed to partial flight which is another term for crash |
So there – for some reason I
feel compelled to show how I am open to cutting
edge new ideas like “cropping”
photos, instagram (big thanks to
VSR reader and best friend on the mainland Kristen
Lindquist for that idea (of which I pooh-poohed almost immediately as well))
and maybe not putting too many gross
pictures of “runned-over” animals in the VSR. Not sure how long this will
last, but I am at a moment where I am very open to ideas – so send them in!
What would make the VSR better in your mind – no comments about beards will be
accepted! Pre-emptive “Pooh-pooh” on that one!
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alewives in traditional habitat - water |
Alewives stuff – Old Harbor
Pond just got a little more crowded….here’s what Luke Milardo wrote up about
this exciting event…and some photos taken by someone...maybe Kerry hardy?
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alewives are easy to catch when flushed out of their non-traditional habitat- tanker truck or tank on a truck |
Alewives Delivered to Old
Harbor Pond
The Maine
Department of Marine Resources brought the second batch of mature alewives to
rebuild the spawning run on Vinalhaven. Dropped into Old Harbor Pond in mid
June, these adult fish will quickly spawn in the shallows before heading back
out to sea. Their juveniles will stick around until August, when they will have
grown large enough to start their own four-year odyssey through the ocean,
before returning once more to repeat the spawning cycle on Vinalhaven.
Keep an
eye on the pond this summer for some great wildlife activity. While they spawn,
you'll see the water boil with moving fish, a sure sign that otters, loons,
cormorants, ospreys, herons, and eagles will be dropping in for a snack.
While we are at it … a slight
push for the VLT annual meeting – looks like a cool topic….
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the catching is good |
VLT Annual Meeting: A Focus on the Health of Penobscot Bay
Join us at Skoog Park on Friday July 28th at 4 p.m. for this year's annual meeting. We hope you will come catch up with board members, staff, and friends while learning about how to secure the future of fishing in Penobscot Bay.
The title of this year's talk is "Wild Fisheries and Alewives: Their Loss, Potential Recovery, and Resilience of Coastal Communities." Vinalhaven native, fisherman, and historical fisheries ecologist Ted Ames will team up with Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries' Executive Director, Robin Alden, to talk about Penobscot Bay’s past fisheries, current alewife recovery efforts, and the hopeful resiliency of fishing communities like Vinalhaven in the face of climate change.
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the releasing is good too |
Ted is a
MacArthur Award winner for his work on local cod stock structure and Robin was
recently named a Benchley Ocean Award Hero of the Seas for grassroots work in
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golden heather |
Slightings or sightings we forgot to include last
time- Oversights from last time….we
start with flowers because in the last VSR we promised you Heather (the flower, not the
White) , then got you to read the whole post,
and didn’t even give her (the flower)
shout out or a photo. How rude.
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Labrador tea was also in bloom recently |
So here is a photo of a plant
called Golden Heather that lives on
the Williams trail in the Basin and , in my experience, is only noticeable when
it is flowering. Flowering is over for the year…
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"like a lady slipper in july" |
While we are at it…here’s
what lady slippers are looking like
these days….
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rose pagonia like this can be seen with binos from the beaver dam at Folly Pond |
That said another orchid is
raging in marshes and along the shores of ponds these days – Rose Pagonia! Seen on the last bird
walk at Folly Pond. Numerous ponds around the island have this orchid – go take
a looksie….
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now is the time to look for bladderwort blooms |
…this photo is taken from the
marsh in St. George, but if it is blooming there it is safe to say it may be
blooming on Vinalhaven. This little yellow beauty (judgment) is the bloom of
Common Bladderwort, a wonderfully carnivorous plant that captures….well, let’s
give clements and gracie (that classic duo) a shot at describing the wonderous
features members of the Bladderwort
family (Lentibulariaceae – “you sir
are a mouthful” - Tobias) have.
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look at all these bladderworts - like really take a look |
“Bladderworts have small, bladder-shaped traps that have sensitive hairs
around the mouth, which when triggered by passing aquatic invertebrates cause
the bladder to vacuum the invertebrate into the bladder where they are
decomposed for nutrients” –
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widow skimmer - backyard dragonfly |
Wow! That is an impressive
sentence, and quite literally more information about plants than anywhere else
in their great book “Wildflowers in the
field and forest” local review of
said book – “thumbs up” from Javier Penalosa, yes the Javier Penalosa.
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twelve-spotted skimmer - backyard dragonfly |
Anyway, we found some
bladderworts blooming up at the Armbrust Hill pond last year, might be a good
time to go look for these yellow ones….
Fragrant water lilies –
paddling in the marsh by our house in St George loads of these beauties,
including some hot pink and even crimsony pink (I am not an artist) ones that
even I could tell were easy on the eyes…take a look…
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two days before |
And while we are at
it….living so close to the marsh means dragonflies…I’m
sprinkling photos of dragonflies and a few damselflies throughout this post
that I took recently in my yard or n the marsh. For the sake of space of all
things – this is too long! But enjoy (ha,ha he said butt enjoy!)
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just getting going - indian pipes in the basin |
Bird walk – (7/6) – hardcores galore! Good turnout
for an early morning with not the best weather on tap. Folly pond – 4 wood ducks, American robin, blue jay, rose pagonia!
…State Beach – many common terns, double crested cormorants, common eiders,
northern parula, winter wren, osprey,
American redstart, 6 peeps on a flyby, song sparrow with young (so cute- not a
judgment but a fact!)
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common emerald dragonfly sizing me up. |
Also – visiting birder and
nature enthusiast Frank Mantlik sent
in this report from his visit…
Woodpecker flew N over Pequot Rd near Beaver Dam Rd.
(Aboard “Ruth”) 1 imm. Bonaparte's Gull and (at another
spot) 53 Common Terns seen and photographed during an afternoon boat cruise
with Mark Jackson. Also we found a Bald Eagle nest with one large juvenile, an
Osprey nest at another site, and one harbor porpoise. Ninety Harbor Seals on
Deadman's Ledge.
This is a fine spot for a
little push for Mark Jackson and his
latest venture – “Vinalhaven by Boat”.
First off, Mark’s a great guy and we’re (the royal “we’re”) big fans of his for
a variety of reasons (he’s a Leonard Cohen fan- gotta respect that), and now it
looks like he is offering a pretty sweet rides in his boat “Ruth”.
Mark has a pretty nifty
looking website that someone obviously helped him with so go check it out - www.vinalhavenbyboat.com – and then connect with Mark at (207) 248-1775 to make your reservations today – trips are
filling up!
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break on thru - yellow patches amanits |
Fungal persuasion – if you’ve been in the woods the last few weeks you would pretty much
have to be blind, be blinded by the distractions in your mind or be talking
with another hiker (VSR highly advocates solo hiking (not
running – slow down!) and solo
experiences in general in the woods – lead your own hike every so often.)
to have not noticed the mushrooms busting through and adding some flash to
token green and brown landscape.
Here’s a little photo gallery
of some of highlights from the past two weeks….
Amanitas!.....”I’m an Amanita man” – I really wish that was a palindrome! Amanitas are mychorrizal and have a symbiotic
relationship with the trees you find them growing by.
Amanita flavoconia
– the number one Amanita on Vinalhaven for at least the last 13 years has been
the Yellow Patches. Pushing through
in the middle of the trail seems to be a characteristic of these little dudes.
These shots are mostly from the Basin…
Amanita rubescens – The Blusher – classic
Amanita of Vinalhaven. Lately I’ve been seeing them pushing through up in the
Pitch Pine and Red Spruce ledgey spots in the Basin…
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nice sac! - tawny grissette - and amanita with style |
Amanita fulva–
my personal favorite mushroom, and has been for at least 4 years now , so I
think its sticking! Tawny Grissettes in
the basin is the call!
Goodbye tour for Roger….the decayment of the legendary Red-belted Conk along the Huber
Trail - lovingly referred to as “Roger”
- continues as it’s (roger is gender neutral, as all good fungus are) fruiting
body shows the signs of age and scars of ironclad beetles munching it. Make
sure you take a moment to acknowledge this important mushroom, it took years to
grow and it will be interesting to see how fast it disappears. Thank you Roger!
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but his undercarriage is a little disturbing |
Russula and Milky – Russulacae is one of our 5 favorite mushroom families
(judgement) to cross paths with and not
because they are often underappreciated by “hardcore” mushroom hunters – or Mushheads. Heck – even David Arora talks about “J.A.R.” – just
another russula. But it does play a role – for some reason I’ve always make
sure to appreciate the things others don’t. Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes
…(not so) quick story from Alaska 2001– not long after Amy and I got hitched we spent a summer
(2001) working at “Alaska Nature Tours” - a mom and pop
nature outfit in Haines, Alaska
leading Bear and Eagle tours as well
as rainforest hikes (southeast
Alaska is considered mostly temperate rainforest based on yearly rain fall).
Anyway, this was my first nature interpretation work with adults and it was a
lot of fun.
On one rainforest hike I was
“the guy in the back with the pepper
spray” (like I was going to stop a bear that wanted something) and this
woman on the hike saw that I knew my mushrooms and made her way to walk with me
as opposed to most folks who stay with the leader who was giving some standard
script talk (no judgment, it’s what many “naturalists” do). Anyway, I mentioned Russulas and she asked me to point out all the Russulas I saw along
the trail. This was a very cool request and still the only time someone has
asked for Russula info. I was more than
happy to talk Russulas with this woman and she was busy snapping pictures of
each species and writing info down about them in her little notebook.
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chocolate milkies have an undercarriage that is easy on the eyes |
Once while working on Cape Cod I was in the research kitchen soaking in whatever I
could from Mushrooms Demystified when I remember wondering “Why am I learning
all this about mushrooms”. I mean, I was way interested but I was also getting way
deeper than I would with 5th
graders which was the average level
of schooling that the majority of people I was hanging out with were at.
And here it was with this woman at the back of a hike to Battery Point in
Haines, AK that I felt – this is why I learned so much about mushrooms, to point out Russulas to this interested hiker.
After a bit I asked her why
she liked Russulas so much, and she said that she really didn’t care one
way or the other about them, but that it was her husband who loved them. He
was back on the cruise ship she had sailed in on – she was another cruise ship
client that basically screamed “get me off that boat and in the woods” when she
joined the group. Apparently he had developed MS and could not make the hike
and was pretty limited in what he could do outside in general. Her eyes teared
up as she told me this, and my eyes teared up as well. And then I realized why
I learned so much about mushrooms all those years ago.
Boletes – the
king lives! – Boletus edulis –
porcini, the cep, the king! What a bloom for early summer Kings with the rains
of late June. Lane’s island (they were yummy!), the Basin, Calderwood island,
the roadsides of St. George and even in the woods at our (the royal “our”) new
property! I think of Kings as a September bloomer, but I won’t argue with a
bloom like this ever!
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fireflies having sex on a king bolete |
Boletus calopus– the bitter bolete – Big Al’s favorite bolete to find in the woods, these dudes
(dude being gender neutral) are big, bold and beautiful…and apparently bitter
tasting, so make sure your King bolete doesn’t have the “cobweb” pattern on its
stalk/stipe. Love ‘em too BAJ!
Suillus sinuspaulianus - well, we
asked for common name ideas for this one and each one (meaning one) we received
was as inappropriate as the names I came up with so we are still going with the
latin, which happens sometimes I guess. Check out this beauty from the Williams trail!
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while we are at it...chrome-footed bolete. no other comments are necessary |
Boletus subvelutipes – Red-mouthed Bolete – the
bloom of another favorite underground, mychorrizal fungus that gives nearby
trees nitrogen and phosphorous that it absorbs as it grows. In exchange the
tree(s) give the fungus sugars produced way up in its leaves or needles, which
are just modified leaves but that is another story….
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badius bolete |
…these are the poisonous
boletes in our woods - if you happen to
have picked boletes to eat and notice one of them has red pores (apparently
that is what was meant by “red-mouthed”) then you should toss all the mushrooms
you have picked and then pick up a mushroom field guide and study. You are in
no position to harvest wild mushrooms for consumption either by yourself or
with others. Tough love.
Boletus badius – Bay-brown bolete – I like this mushroom, it’s kind of quaint in its
own way. But I think the common name doesn’t tap into the potential that a
species name like “badius” has to
offer. I am afraid to say this but I think “badius bolete” or some crasser
version of this
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dye-makers polypore has been fruiting on most preserves as of late |
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slightly older specimen |
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fresh wolf's milk slime in the basin |
Slime Molds
- I don’t want to brag, so I won’t about anything important, but I do believe
that I have the highest single day slime
mold patch tally that I know of. On Frenchboro Island in 2009 – Summer of
the Slime Molds!!!!! – I clicked off 532 patches of slimes on a three or four
mile hike. It was the “drool inspiring awesomeness” that slime mold fanatics (known as Moldies
or Moldheads) live for. Well…
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two days later |
…We were spoiled in 2009 (Spoiled
Moldies!) and haven’t seen days like that since, which is also nice since
it also means that it didn’t rain for 35
days in June like in 2009 which was the inspiration for the slime mold
burst in the first place! Anyway - with the recent rains inspiring so much of
the fungal persuasion one would have
to figure (or have a hunch) that slime molds would also be making appearances
in the woods, and sure enough they were putting on a show!
(7/2) –while
weedwacking – the day’s patch tally was in the 50 or so range – impressive even
for spoiled Moldies like me! – but
the real story for me was the range of species I crossed paths with while
working the Platform and Peggy Williams
trails in the Basin Preserve
(co-managed by VLT and MCHT – Good work!). We start with an impressively fresh
patch of Wolf’s Milk Slime (Lycogala
epidendrum) growing on one of my bridges!
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coral slime - typical form Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. fruticulosa |
It is always an honor to have Slime Molds on bridges
and cuttings in the woods, even moreso than finding mushrooms blooming on them.
Where the mushroom is a sign that the bridge is being eaten by a fungus which is possibly running out of food, Slime Molds eat fungal spores and bacteria and in a way they are the protectors of
bridges and our health (and the forests health) by helping to keep fungus and
bacteria in “check” by not letting
And they are so cool to watch
as they change so dramatically over such a short period of time as we mentioned
in the previous VSR with the Chocolate Tube slime series of photos. I went back
to the Wolf’s Milk patch two days
later and got this shot – they have gone to spore and look very puffball like! Just another reason to walk the same trails
over and over again – because they
are not the same trails ever.
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Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. poroides - alternate form |
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tapioca slime - lovely as always |
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may I introduce...crusty slime |
I continued on with my day
and tallied these slime mold species – Wolf’s
milk, Chocolate tube, Scrambled Egg, Tapioca, Coral slimes as well as Mucilago
crustacean and Badhamia utricularis species
that don’t have official common names that I can find….maybe I’ll call them the
“Crusty” and “Bad Ham” (in honor of one of my favorite co-workers Betsy Hamm)
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crusty and polypore, perfect together |
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bad ham slime! there - we said it |
Anyway, here are some photos
and loose commentary and highlights about the species…enjoy!
And we are going to wrap it
up…my apologies to Beth and Colleen (and now Jim!) I promise to start off with yours in the next one!
got in just a little after I had decided to make a random date to cut off with
this post. Whatever that means.
Here’s a few of Leif –
kayaking in the marsh….
…king of the abandoned beaver
And at a seadogs game with me
and mom. It was an exciting game with two home runs and afterword we got to
camp out with the cub scouts on Hadlock field. How cool is that…
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they showed a baseball movie that had john candy in it |
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I think john candy died in 1994 leif ended up chasing around with other scouts |
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and as the grim reaper in front of our new place |
here's the backyard ....
and a view of the sunset in the marsh
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we'll take it |
…more soon enough, and this
is long enough, or at least I think so….
Thanks for reading and we’ll
see you out there!