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just another vinalhaven sunset |
Welcome to the Vinalhaven Sightings Report
December 24th, 2012
December 24th, 2012
Brought to you by MCHT, VLT and Santa
“I took one of your logs” me to jamus,
about a log with Split Gill fungus
about a log with Split Gill fungus
Highlights – goshawk, merlin, barrow’s goldeneye, snow fleas!, Fungus!, crossbills and grosbeaks, some otter action, Canada geese, Thick-billed Murre, Mink, moon jellies, other things
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snow fleas have been active please hike carefully |
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otter poop with frost. there may be nothing as beautiful |
don't forget the Tiit trick - click on any photo to enlarge said photo to full screen size. take this photo of frosty otter poop for example. if you want a closer look at the poop, then just click on the photo and magically it will appear to fill up your full screen. you may not want to click on all otter poop shots, but you also may want to. everybody poops...
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carver's geese photo by sally |
sightings: Canada
Geese – reports have been flowing in (at a small trickle) about the Canada Geese scene at Carver’s, Indian
Creek, and the school as hundreds of the honkers have been making their way
thru “our” zone over the last few weeks. Most compelling has been the scene
over at Indian Creek where Susan Raven
reports hundreds flying by over and being around for a few days starting (12/12).
addy is the one in purple photo by susan raven |
They also congealed (that’s not the right word – “gathered” is the better word I think) over at the school and young Addy Raven did her best to “keep the c**p” off the school grounds by chasing them and most likely yelling in excitement. (Actually, she was looking to hug one or two). Anyway, even though they have Canada in their name we still love/like ‘em and hope they keep on honking it up for months to come. If they could just stop c******g on the fields…
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check out how the mandible don't match, they cross. wonder why they are called crossbills? |
Friends of the VSR –
of (FOTVSR) – yes, we have friends, even some from off island (probably
referred to as from “away”, but kinda more like from “over there”) and sometimes
these so-called “friends” come to visit (don’t worry we sent them back after a
few hours). Recently a few nice folk came out to see what’s around and what’s
going down on the island. We like having friends visit if for nothing more than
they jot down notes about what we see (and thusly we don’t have to). Long time VSR friend Kristen Lindquist,
and newbie “bro” (that’s what he called me at one point) Chris “Bjorn” Borg came out for a day of looking at birds and
talking about hats and wool. Here’s what they report as seeing that day, as
shared by Kristen Lindquist (thank
you Kristen!)…
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nice cross bill... |
(12/8) From the
ferry--Black-legged Kittiwake-20, Black Guillemot-50, Common Loon-30, Bonaparte's
Gull-6 (and 15 later on the island), Razorbill-2 (and 3 later from the island),
Purple Sandpiper-6, Double-crested Cormorant-2,… On the island at various places including Lane's Island, State Beach, Old Harbor Pond, The Basin, etc.-- White-winged Crossbill-10, very close to us, carrying spruce cones from the ground to low branches to feed on them (some actually feeding on the ground); mixed flock of males, females, and young males
Am. Tree Sparrow-6, Song Sparrow-2, White-throated Sparrow-2, Common Yellowthroat-1, (young male) Red-necked Grebe-12, Horned Grebe-3, Common Goldeneye-10, Barrow's Goldeneye-1, Bufflehead-12, Hooded Merganser-3, RB Merganser-20, Great Cormorant-4,
Belted Kingfisher-1, Bald Eagle-5, Golden-crowned Kinglet-1, Red-breasted Nuthatch-1.
Purple Sandpiper-6, Double-crested Cormorant-2,… On the island at various places including Lane's Island, State Beach, Old Harbor Pond, The Basin, etc.-- White-winged Crossbill-10, very close to us, carrying spruce cones from the ground to low branches to feed on them (some actually feeding on the ground); mixed flock of males, females, and young males
Am. Tree Sparrow-6, Song Sparrow-2, White-throated Sparrow-2, Common Yellowthroat-1, (young male) Red-necked Grebe-12, Horned Grebe-3, Common Goldeneye-10, Barrow's Goldeneye-1, Bufflehead-12, Hooded Merganser-3, RB Merganser-20, Great Cormorant-4,
Belted Kingfisher-1, Bald Eagle-5, Golden-crowned Kinglet-1, Red-breasted Nuthatch-1.
In other words, we/they saw a ton, and everything is a
highlight – especially the laughs- but the big one was the incredible white-winged crossbill session we had at
Lane’s. here are a couple of videos of crossbill working over cones and
getting the seeds out with their sticky tongues, right in the parking lot!
if you listened closely you can here a conversation about how Kristen's hat was made for her overnight on Monhegan Island. It should be noted to all, that if you are in the woods with
me and I mention that I am going to take
some videos and that everything you say will be recorded, it means that I am
going to be taking some videos and that everything will be recorded and
unedited when they go on the VSR. So captured here are wonderful crossbills and
a conversation about hat making and wool. And some sassiness.
merlin photo by john drury |
merlin photo by john drury |
Greens – John Drury reports both Northern Goshawk and Merlin landing in some of the random remaining trees out on Greens. John got these wonderful photos of the Merlin as it headed off in pursuit of small birds. Small birds = good grub, but we all knew that…
State Beach – (12/4)
35 Red-necked Grebe….(12/7) 20 Ring-billed Gull, Great Cormorants, 5 Olddtails,
3 Surf Scoter, 5 Common Loon, 3 Red-breasted Merganser…(12/11) Red-throated
Thoroughfare – Terry Goodhue
reports Common Loon calling when Bald Eagles fly over. Hearing loons in the
winter is cool.
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moon jelly in old harbor pond |
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this jelly was soon to be frozen with the coming cold wave |
Barred owl - Tracy Littlefield reports a Barred Owl in her yard not to long after hearing about the barred owl on Greens! Moments after (an exaggeration for sure) reading about the Barred Owl out on greens in the last VSR, Tracy Littlefield (super nice person) reported stepping outside her place and having a Barred Owl fly low over her yard (and chickens!) and land in a nearby tree. Tracy got some great looks at it before it flew! this is the last Barred owl report our way this fall. very cool!
Fungus first responder –and so, we’ve all been hearing more than enough about the winter moth scene (they’re here, they’re in big numbers, and they’re not going shopping), but it makes you wonder who else is taking advantage of the warm, and sometimes wet spell we’ve had pretty much all of December (except for flying santa) you ask? The answer is many species have been taking advantage - Fungally speaking of course (of course). Late fall mushrooms are turning into winter mushrooms as we speak-
Turkey tail –one of
leif’s favorites to identify, turkey tail come in all shapes (well, not all)
and sizes (except for big), but the bloom has been remarkable and noted. Still one
of my favorites and an old friend after all these years. Is it possible to get
to sappy about fungus?
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right side up |
Orange mock oyster – a fall/winter classic on white birch, this beauty of a gilled mushroom blooms every fall/winter on island, this year being especially nice with the warm wet weather.
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upside down |
Luminescent Panellus-
glows in the dark. Do I really have to say more?
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we are big marasmius fans |
Marasmius – especially abundant under spruce these days, mostly cuz this is the one that decomposes spruce needles so well. Hefty response to the nice warm wet weather. Look under a spruce tree, I dare ya. Bet you find some…
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frozen orange jelly |
Orange jelly – frozen or thawed we love the orange jelly. Someone told me out here their mom call them “witches boogers”. That’s cool, call them what you want.
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old man jelly tooth |
Jelly tooth – had never seen them before getting to Vinalhaven. They have become old friends fast. This is the 6th year in a row that I’ve found them fruiting/blooming on this particular log. 6 years in a row? That is an old friend.
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split gill is sexy |
And, of
course…..The poop on otters – it’s
no secret that our (the royal “our”) favorite Vinalhaven mammal is the Northern
River Otter (eat your heart out coyote!). Fun to track and even more
fun/special to see, the otter scene on Vinalhaven is rich and thick and creamy.
And apparently recent, as folk have said “30 years ago we never seen dem otters”
– a made up quote, but one that captures the message that has been relayed to
me over the years. We’ve gone from zero otters 30 years ago to otters being
caught in lobster traps and Ali McCarthy seeing them in Carver’s Pond on a
regular basis. So is change, and so we love it.
this is an otter pooping at 9:23 pm |
this is an otter pooping at 9:26 pm |
But what is a latrine? And what the hell is going on there? For some
answers we go to the latest mammal behavior book (that we know of) … the Peterson’s
guide to mammal behavior – Mark Elbroch/Kurt Rinehart … here’s what they had to
this is an otter pooping at 9:26pm 38 seconds after the last poop |
this is an otter peeing at 5:02 am |
Stinky latrines, which serve to fertilize the plant communities
where they occur, are most obvious in coastal areas where otter densities are
high. “
Its official, we have a lot of otters.
Latrine sites can be “up to 65 feet across and dotting the coast
every 1000 feet and placed in prominent locations along an inhabited body of
water. The scats, which in England are called spraints, are food remains:
scales, bones and bits of insect shells, and anal gland secretions. Sometimes
there is also a yellow-greenish jelly that doesn’t look like feces, but never the
less comes from the intestines and not the anal glands”
this is a bald guy who had to pee at 10:58am and who missed the otters by just a few hours |
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this is frozen "yellow-greenish jelly" that comes from the intestines |
Halleluiah! Finally someone said something about that goo, and
with authority! The yellowish jelly you find at latrines is not from the anal
glands people! It’s from the intestines! I’d like to say I told you so, but
really I was rooting for the anal glands. d**n.
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this is gross. this is frozen froth. froth associated with the yellow-green jelly stuff mentioned above this is the remains of a frozen bubble in the froth. but the bubble popped. leaving only this. |
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this is a partial overview of the latrine at old harbor pond |
Leify was taking
measurements of a dream treehouse that he figures to build sometime soon.
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the VSR family photo by the dr.! |
And a final, an all around
merry Christmas, happy Hanukah, and a crazy kwanza to all from the entire VSR
family (you are looking at ‘em!”). may your year be peaceful and joyful, and
full of observations. Please share them if you feel like it.